Date Recommender

Justin Dorsch
2 min readJul 2, 2022


I am a person in a relationship where all I need is my partner near me and I am content. My partner on the other hand requires a little more excitement to maintain interest. This is fine but since I don’t think about going on dates, I can never think of things to do when we discuss them. Since I’ve been learning python and I needed to work on a portfolio project, what better than a program that can suggest ideas to me so I don’t have to.

I created a Date class with a constructor that stores a string which is the name of the date idea and two boolean values. One representing if it is an indoor or outdoor date and the other representing if its a physical or relaxing date. I also made a representation of the date which will print all of this information as a string.

I then made a list to store the dates and a function that creates new dates and stores them in the list.

Finally, I made the function that would take that would print the recommendations for the user. It takes two inputs and depending on whether the user wants an indoor or outdoor date and a physical or relaxing date, it will iterate through the list of dates and print the dates that meet the criteria. The input from the user is case-insensitive and if you return an invalid input the function will print a string telling you a mistake was made and the user will need to run the script again to start over.

You can find the code here:

In conclusion, this was a simple project that I took the chance to apply the python basics I learned in cs101 on codecademy. I can always go back and update it with new date ideas and for my purposes, it is my first complete unassisted project. I’m happy I can use the things I learned to solve a problem in my life.

