SVG format QR code: Your QR codes can be resized to any size

Sindey Fieldman
2 min readOct 18, 2022


If you intend to resize your QR code to whatever size you require, downloading and printing your QR code in SVG format is your best option.

QR code SVG format (Scalable Vector Graphics) allows you to resize your QR code without affecting the image’s original quality.

However, not all QR code generators allow you to save your QR code in SVG format.

QRTIGER can generate your QR code, download it in SVG format, and print it. Here’s how you can go about it.

How to create a QR code in SVG format? (Resize your QR code online)

● Go to www.qrcode-tiger

● Click the type of QR code solution you need

● Select dynamic instead of static

● Customize your QR code

● Do a scan test

● Click “Download SVG.”

● Resize your QR code

● Print and distribute

QR code uses in SVG format

Posters and billboards

One of the most notable uses of a billboard QR code is when Calvin Klein’s marketing campaign appears on public streets.

A large billboard QR code with their brand’s name attached and a very suggestive call-to-action “Get it uncensored” that people can scan from afar.

Window shopping

Zara, one of the most well-known fashion and apparel companies, has taken its marketing efforts to the next level.

They placed a QR code in their window store, allowing passers-by to scan the QR code and shop online for their brand.

Delivery boxes

It is preferable to print a larger QR code size for your delivery boxes so that your recipient notices the QR code. You can generate a QR code that will direct them to product information!


Marketers are increasingly using QR codes on marketing vehicles. Typically, this vehicle QR code directs scanners to the marketing company’s contact information.


The band SoundRabbit’s viral QR code t-shirt design for the QR Code Campaign in Boulder, Colorado, was designed and printed on t-shirts to allow scanners to download free music.

QR code SVG format: The best choice for resizing your QR codes

Resizing your QR code does more than just limit the use cases listed above.

Even if your QR code is only attached to a magazine, a flyer, or your business card or vCard QR code, you can resize it.

The greater the field of view, the better.

However, the larger the size should be for good visibility and better scan, the further you place your QR code, especially if you want the public to scan it.

Visit the QRTIGER website if you have any questions about QR codes.

