How to find a best / good Life coach Singapore?

Singapore Choice
3 min readSep 14, 2019


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Finding the right life coach in Singapore is important for successful guidance. So what is a good and best life coach?

There is no such thing as the perfect coach. Each guidance is adapted to your specific question and to you as a person. So the question should be: What is a good life coach for you?

This depends on various factors, such as the form of the coach, your question, the gender and age of the coach, the accessibility, the personal characteristics of the coach and the interaction between both of you.

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Coaching requires a personal approach and, despite specific methods, coaching is therefore very variable. One coach will be very solution-oriented or directive, while the other is rather empathetic and collaborative. The workability of different methods also varies from person to person. Nothing is right or wrong, it depends on your personality and your needs.


You may prefer a male or a female coach. Both have their qualities. Your theme can be decisive in this, but your sense of comfort and safety and your life phase also have an influence. Follow your feelings or ask for an introductory meeting if you have any doubts.


The age of the coach can influence your choice. Do you feel more comfortable with someone who is a little older than you? Or do you prefer a coach who is the same age or younger than you? It is sometimes said that the coach is best about 10 years older than you. But that is certainly not a requirement.

Young coaches can surprise you. They have different skills and qualities than coaches who have been in the field for a long time.

Your question

When choosing an expert coach it is advisable to look at who this coach is and what he or she does exactly: what are the specializations, does the coach have experience with your complaint, what is his or her education?

Life coaches are capable of guiding a variety of questions. In the introductory meeting, you can submit your question and see if the coach can do something for you.


The practical side also has a lot of influence. The time you take for yourself must be comfortable. You can better combine a coach in your area with work, family or leisure. But sometimes it can also be more pleasant to choose a coach who lives further away, in order to avoid social aspects. If necessary, accessibility by public transport can be useful.

Different types of coaching

There are various methods and techniques in coaching. They make the approach specific or focus on a different theme, but on the basis, they often work around the same thing: initiating change processes.

A coach that suits you

When searching for a suitable coach It is important that there is good interaction between you and him/her. This feeling is just as important as the method or training. To make the coaching process a success, it is essential that you feel comfortable. Apart from the skills of the coach, this also has to do with the coach as a person. By reading an introduction on the profile you get a broader picture of who this coach is.

If the profile of a coach appeals to you, you can make an appointment for an introductory meeting.


A good start is half the battle! Our tips at a glance:

Take your time to find a good coach. This increases the chance that you will immediately find a coach that suits you.

View extensively different profiles and read the personal introduction!

Follow your feeling!

The introductory meeting can make much clear. Do not hesitate to ask many questions during this conversation. You can also choose someone else after this conversation.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the way you work, your complaints handled, practical questions about the price or duration, feel free to ask the life coach. You can do this in advance or more extensively during an orientation interview.



Singapore Choice

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