Secure Your Data with AES sha256 bit Encryption and Decryption method using PHP

Deepak Singh
2 min readSep 5, 2021

Hi everyone,
So today let’s discuss another method of data encryption and decryption using PHP AES-256-CBC and OpenSSL to cipher[encryption] and decipher[decryption] any string in the PHP.

Encryption is a common method to protect data in the cyber world, which converts plain text into a long ciphertext constructed with random alphanumeric characters.

We are using AES Advanced Encryption Standard with 256 bits key length. The following image shows how symmetric key encryption works:

Illustration of the AES 256 Cipher & Decipher [Symmetric Key Encryption]

Let’s see the main recipe of topic:

class secureToke
private static $secretKey = 'Your Desired key(Hash)';
private static $secretIv = '';
private static $encryptMethod = "AES-256-CBC";
public static function tokenencrypt($data)
$key = hash('sha256', self::$secretKey);
$iv = substr(hash('sha256', self::$secretIv), 0, 16);
$result = openssl_encrypt($data, self::$encryptMethod, $key, 0, $iv);
return $result = base64_encode($result);
public static function tokendecrypt($data)
$key = hash('sha256', self::$secretKey);
$iv = substr(hash('sha256', self::$secretIv), 0, 16);
$result = openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($data), self::$encryptMethod, $key, 0, $iv);
return $result;

Encryption method:

$tokenencrypt = secureToken::tokenencrypt($token);

Decryption method:

$tokendecrypt = secureToken::tokendecrypt($encryptedtoken);

Voila! it’s done… Now you can encrypt your entire data on the webspace and make them secure. :)

