Pipe Natural Gas (PNG): A Comprehensive Guide

8 min readJan 22, 2024


Pipe Natural Gas (PNG), often referred to simply as natural gas, is a clean and versatile source of energy that plays a crucial role in meeting our energy needs. It is a type of gas that is transported through pipelines directly to homes, industries, and businesses.

What makes PNG unique is its role in providing a safer, more reliable, and environmentally friendly energy alternative. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on PNG, exploring its importance in the energy sector and offering valuable insights to help you better understand this essential resource.

Whether you’re a homeowner, a business owner, or simply curious about energy choices, this article will provide you with a solid foundation to appreciate the significance of PNG in our modern world.

What PNG is?

Pipe Natural Gas (PNG) is a form of natural gas that is distributed through an extensive network of underground pipelines. Unlike other forms of natural gas, such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or compressed natural gas (CNG), PNG doesn’t require storage in cylinders or tanks.

Instead, it is delivered directly to consumers through a network of pipes, making it a convenient and continuous source of energy. This key difference sets PNG apart, as it eliminates the need for manual handling of gas cylinders and the associated safety concerns.

Moreover, PNG ensures a consistent and uninterrupted supply, making it a reliable choice for households and industries alike. Understanding these basics of PNG is essential to appreciate its advantages and consider it as an energy option.

Historical background of PNG

The historical background of Pipe Natural Gas (PNG) dates back to the early 19th century when the concept of using natural gas for various applications began to emerge. However, it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that the development of extensive natural gas pipeline networks became a reality.

The first natural gas pipeline in the United States was constructed in 1947, connecting the gas fields of Texas to urban centers like Chicago. This marked a significant milestone in the transportation of natural gas over long distances. Over time, advancements in pipeline technology and safety measures led to the expansion of these networks.

In India, the journey of PNG began with the establishment of the Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) in 1984, which played a pivotal role in developing natural gas infrastructure, including pipelines. The development of the Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) network for vehicular use was one of the early achievements of PNG in India.

Today, PNG has become a cornerstone of the energy sector, offering a reliable and environmentally friendly source of energy. Its historical development has been marked by continuous innovation and infrastructure expansion, transforming it into a vital component of modern energy distribution systems. Understanding this historical background provides context for the evolution of PNG and its significance in our contemporary energy landscape.

Key components of the PNG system

The Pipe Natural Gas (PNG) system comprises several key components, each playing a crucial role in the safe and efficient distribution of natural gas.

Pipelines: At the heart of the PNG system are the pipelines. These are high-strength, corrosion-resistant tubes that transport natural gas over long distances, often underground. Pipelines are the arteries of the PNG network, responsible for carrying the gas from production sources, such as gas fields or import terminals, to various end-users, including homes, industries, and businesses. They ensure the continuous and reliable flow of natural gas throughout the distribution network.

Compression Stations: Compression stations are strategically located along the pipeline network to maintain the pressure required for efficient gas transportation. Natural gas often travels great distances, and pressure drops occur due to friction and distance. Compression stations have powerful compressors that boost the pressure of the gas to keep it moving smoothly through the pipelines. These stations are critical to ensuring that gas reaches its destination without interruptions.

Distribution Network: The distribution network is the final link in the PNG system, responsible for delivering natural gas to end-users. This network consists of smaller pipelines that branch out from the main transmission pipelines, distributing gas to residential, commercial, and industrial customers. It includes meters, regulators, and safety devices to control gas flow and maintain safe pressure levels for consumer appliances.

These key components work together seamlessly to deliver the benefits of PNG to consumers, ensuring a continuous supply of clean and reliable natural gas for a wide range of applications, from heating and cooking in homes to powering industries and vehicles. Understanding how these components function is essential for appreciating the efficiency and safety of the PNG system.

Advantages of Using PNG

Using Pipe Natural Gas (PNG) offers a multitude of advantages that make it a compelling choice for both households and industries.


PNG stands out for its safety features when compared to other fuels like liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or traditional fuels like wood or coal. It is stored underground in pipes, eliminating the risks associated with storage and transportation, such as gas leaks or explosions. Unlike LPG, which is stored in cylinders, PNG’s continuous supply eliminates the need for manual handling and storage of volatile substances.


PNG ensures an uninterrupted supply of gas 24/7. Unlike LPG cylinders that can run out, leaving consumers without fuel until a refill is arranged, PNG provides a constant flow of gas. This reliability is especially crucial for industries that rely on a steady energy source for their operations.

Economic Benefits:

While the initial setup cost for PNG infrastructure might be higher, users benefit from significant cost savings over time. With PNG, there are no recurring expenses associated with cylinder refills or transportation costs. This cost-effectiveness makes PNG an economical choice for both households and businesses, as it eliminates the need for frequent expenditures on fuel.

Elimination of transportation costs: PNG’s piped delivery system eliminates the need for transportation and handling of fuel cylinders. This not only saves money but also reduces the logistical hassles and risks associated with the transport of flammable fuels.

Environmental Friendliness:

PNG is a cleaner-burning fuel compared to traditional fossil fuels like coal and wood. It produces fewer carbon emissions when combusted, contributing to reduced air pollution and a smaller carbon footprint. This is particularly important in the context of environmental conservation and combating climate change.

PNG aligns with the global shift towards sustainable energy choices. As a natural gas, it is a more environmentally friendly option compared to many other fuels. Choosing PNG for domestic and industrial use demonstrates a commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a cleaner, greener energy future.

The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB):

The Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) is a pivotal regulatory authority in India responsible for overseeing the regulation of the oil and natural gas sector, including the distribution of Pipe Natural Gas (PNG). Established under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act of 2006, the PNGRB plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and competitive development of the natural gas market in India.

The PNGRB’s structure includes a Chairperson and members with expertise in various aspects of the energy industry. It operates independently and is accountable for creating a conducive environment for the growth and expansion of PNG distribution networks across the country.

Government initiatives and policies supporting PNG adoption:

The Indian government has recognized the importance of PNG as a cleaner and more sustainable energy source. Several initiatives and policies have been introduced to support its adoption:

Pradhan Mantri Urja Ganga (PMUG): Launched in 2016, PMUG is a flagship program aimed at developing a unified natural gas grid across eastern India. It facilitates the expansion of PNG distribution networks, making natural gas more accessible to a broader population.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): India’s commitment to achieving the United Nations’ SDGs includes promoting cleaner energy sources. PNG aligns with these goals by reducing carbon emissions and air pollution, thus contributing to a healthier environment.

Subsidies and Incentives: To encourage PNG adoption, the government has offered subsidies and incentives for households, industries, and commercial establishments transitioning to PNG. These financial incentives make PNG an economically attractive choice.

Environmental Clearances: The government streamlines environmental clearance processes for PNG infrastructure projects, promoting their faster development and expansion.

The current state of PNG adoption in India:

The adoption of Pipe Natural Gas (PNG) in India has been steadily growing, driven by its numerous advantages and government initiatives. As of the latest available data, PNG is increasingly becoming a popular choice for both residential and industrial consumers.

Residential Sector: In urban and semi-urban areas, more households are opting for PNG as their primary source of cooking fuel. The continuous and reliable supply of gas, along with safety benefits, has made PNG a preferred choice over traditional fuels like LPG or kerosene.

Commercial and Industrial Sectors: Industries and commercial establishments are also embracing PNG for their energy needs. Its cost-effectiveness, reliability, and environmental friendliness make it an attractive choice for powering manufacturing processes, heating, and other industrial applications.

Geographical Expansion: PNG adoption is not limited to metropolitan cities but has also extended to smaller towns and cities, thanks to government efforts to expand the PNG network. This geographical expansion ensures that a growing portion of the Indian population has access to PNG.

Prominent players in the PNG industry:

The PNG industry in India is witnessing active participation from various public and private sector players. Some of the prominent entities involved in the distribution and promotion of PNG include:

Government-Owned Companies: State-owned oil and gas companies like GAIL (Gas Authority of India Limited) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) have been instrumental in expanding PNG networks. They operate in partnership with city gas distribution (CGD) entities to facilitate PNG distribution.

Private Sector Players: Private companies, both Indian and international, have also entered the PNG market. They participate in competitive bidding processes to secure authorizations for PNG distribution in specific geographical areas.

City Gas Distribution (CGD) Entities: CGD entities play a pivotal role in the PNG sector. They are responsible for setting up and managing PNG infrastructure, including pipelines, compression stations, and distribution networks. These entities operate at the local level, ensuring that PNG reaches end-users efficiently.

PNG promotion in India:

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) has been a key player in promoting PNG adoption in India. Its contributions to the PNG sector are noteworthy:

Extensive Network: BPCL has a significant presence in the CGD sector, covering a substantial portion of India’s population. It holds licenses to develop CGD networks in multiple geographical areas, making PNG accessible to a wide range of consumers.

Safety and Reliability: BPCL prioritizes safety and reliability in PNG distribution. Its adherence to stringent safety standards ensures consumer confidence in the use of PNG.

Nationwide Awareness Campaigns: BPCL, in collaboration with regulatory authorities like PNGRB, actively engages in awareness campaigns to educate the public about the benefits of PNG. For instance, BPCL, along with PNGRB and other Oil Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) and City Gas Distribution (CGD) entities, is launching a nationwide campaign from 26th January to 31st March 2024.

This campaign aims to increase awareness about the advantages of PNG in domestic use, emphasizing its safety, reliability, and environmental benefits. Such initiatives play a vital role in spreading knowledge and encouraging more consumers to switch to PNG for their energy needs.


Pipe Natural Gas (PNG) is the way forward for a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable energy future in India. With its numerous advantages, regulatory support, and the proactive role of companies like BPCL, PNG adoption is on the rise. It’s time for consumers, industries, and the nation to embrace PNG as a cleaner and greener energy solution.

