Why Proper Fitting is Essential in Fashion

Mohit Singh
3 min readSep 26, 2022

When it comes to proper and precise fittings in your clothes, certain aspects associated with making clothes look fitted are hems, seams, grain lines, and darts. These aspects show well-fitting and enhance your appearance. Wearing unfitted loose clothes makes you look terrible. Hence, it is advisable to have proper fitting in your clothes. In particular, girls are more constrained to wearing the right-fitting clothes. The rising Readymade Garments trader in India is backed by the growing readymade garments clothes.

Well, fashion consists of distinctive fashionable clothing styles, which everyone does not need to be properly and tight fit. These clothes are designed to be a little loose and over loose. Certain clothing varieties require tailored-based fittings.

Body variations: Size standards should be maintained as per different body shapes, heights, and age groups. These standards that are set should be appropriately followed, which ensures accurate fittings designed for the following sizes.

Some Common Issues with Fittings

Elevate Your Style: Key Considerations for Ordering Ready-Made Clothes

Achieving the perfect look goes beyond mere fashion; it hinges on the finer details like sleeve length and clothing size. Sleeves that terminate at the wrist, rather than extending below, contribute to a mature and polished appearance, avoiding the pitfalls of looking childish in your attire. Unfortunately, many individuals encounter challenges in obtaining accurately sized clothes, often overlooking the importance of measurements.

This oversight can result in ill-fitting garments that don’t complement your style. At Southern Style Hub, a prominent player in the apparel marketplace and among apparel exporters, we understand the significance of well-fitted clothing. Beyond offering a diverse range of apparel and fashion accessories wholesale, we also cater to the discerning tastes of individuals as household goods suppliers and beauty products suppliers. As dedicated Indian jewelry manufacturers and wholesale Indian jewelry providers, we emphasize precision and quality in every piece.

Whether you seek cosmetic product suppliers or personal care product suppliers, Southern Style Hub ensures that your ready-made clothing orders are met with utmost care and attention to detail, enhancing your overall fashion experience.

Waistbands should be well-fitted. An easy way to check is by sliding two fingers between your pants and flesh. Make sure not to keep it too tight, as otherwise, it would be uncomfortable for you. While sitting and even standing, wearing too tight waistband pants can cause blood clotting.

Busts are a prominent fitting area and an extremely important fitting for women. So these areas should be properly fitted as per the fittings a girl needs as per her body shape and size.

Let’s Have a Look at Which Clothes Require a Proper and More Precise Clothing Fit.

Formal clothes

Formal clothes include formal pants and shirts, which should be well-fitted. By well-fitted, we mean a fit that shows your accurate body shape. But make sure, over-fitted would leave you uncomfortable and resist moving during work. Pants require perfect hems and precise fits as your body shape, simultaneously leaving them a little inch loose. It is always recommended to wear waistbands with belts. Nevertheless, wearing them without belts is a trend that one can wear. Make sure it will perfectly fit, neither too tight nor too loose.

Similarly, a formal shirt should be fitted as per your body shape. Again, make sure it is not too tight. Perfect measures would give you a perfect fit. Hence, choose a well-trained tailor, as a few inches during measuring can ruin your look.

Business suits

Business suits themselves are associated with precise fittings, which make your look presentable. and complement your personality. Your pants, shirt, and blazer should be correctly and well-fitted.

Women’s suits

Women's traditional dress Kurti. Wearing a loose Kurti can ruin your entire traditional look. To achieve a perfect appearance, just get it tailored. The proper measurements enable you to achieve a perfect traditional look. We have seen a rising demand for accurately fitted clothes in both the domestic and international markets. Hence, a lot of merchant exporter from India are paying attention to supplying the correct sizes of clothes as per the standards.



Mohit Singh

Wea are a merchant exporter in India and they are dealing in various items like readymade garments, home apparels, and grocery. dekentmerchandise.co.in