Semiconductor Industry Future

Satyam Singh
3 min readAug 19, 2022


Semiconductor, silicon, chips. Many of us might not co-relate with these words. These words are actually very specific. Don't worry one might not be aware about silicon chips but all of us are quite familiar with the modern gadgets which has now become an essential part of our life. Let me ask one question to you.

Just have a look on all the gadgets/electronics equipment which are there with you or available in your house. Take a pause and think what's common in most of them? Did you figure out something?

Ok, let me answer it. Silicon chips. Yes, silicon chips are the most common thing which is there in almost all the gadgets which you have in your house. Sorry, you can't see it as it is always inside the gadgets but the intention behind asking this question was to let you realise that how far the semiconductor industry has come.

You just name any appliances/gadgets and chips are there for support. You run on treadmill that contains chip for sensing and reflecting data, you wash cloths in washing machine thats too has chip inside it, you go to doctor for checkup there too electronics bp machine, sugar machine is used. I mean all around us chips are available in some form. I am not even talking about laptops, TVs, pads and smartphones which are the torch bearer of semiconductor chips.

The examples which i have taken above there silicon chips are being used since a decade of not more. But in recent past we have seen a lot more usage of chips in different gadgets which are coming into market. Smartwatches, smart homes, security systems these are just few of the areas which has seen massive growth in terms of chip deployment. There are many more industries which are always taking chips into consideration to automate the work and also to make the work more precised.

The idea which i want to convey here is that how long the semiconductor industry has come in last 1-2 decade and that's the only beginning when we see the Ocean of possibilities which are coming in future. Auto industry, Healthcare, security, appliances, cloud services, storage and many such more industries will emerge as the top consumer of semiconductor chips in coming years.

Now if we talk about semiconductor industry itself is seeing lot of growth and innovation. Earlier the normal thermal sensor which used to take relatively big area on SoC is now getting smaller and smaller in terms of area. Similarly in terms of power performance and area all chips are getting better and better by each passing day thanks to the technology advancement happening in semiconductor industry. Billions of transistors are easily getting occupied in very very small area.

Overall, in coming years world will witness some of the great technological advancements and semiconductor industry will definitely play an vital role in that.

You can connect with me on twitter as well: Satyam Singh (@Satyamsinghece) | Twitter



Satyam Singh

Analog design Engineer || Connect with me on twitter: Satyam Singh (@Satyamsinghece) | Twitter || Instagram ID: Satyam Singh (@satyamsinghece) •