My New Diet and Exercise Plan

2 min readMar 26, 2024
Created On Canva By Me.

I finally got an appointment with the personal trainer at my gym recently.

One session a month is FREE with the monthly membership I pay.

The guy was very nice to me.

We did a body scan.

I found out that I had around 30% body fat and weight around 236 pounds.

We decided to work on losing 50 pounds by this time next year.

We also chose to drop a few pant sizes as well.

He suggested several things that I should do.

I have to incorporate them into my diet and exercise routine.

What are they?

What I got from my personal trainer.

Changes I Am Making

  • Eat More Protein Per Day- I need to add more protein in my diet. It will be a challenge to due to my tight budget. I will do the best I can on this.
  • Consume 2,108 Calories Per Day- I will have to start tracking how many calories I consume per day.
  • Eat Less Fruit- I’m still going to eat fruit. But I won’t consume as much. My personal trainer suggested that (because it had a lot of sugar in it).




Hey there. I’m a 30 something single guy on a mission to live a more simple life. I plan on doing this by learning how to manage my money better. Join the ride.