Reading Response #5

2 min readMar 9, 2022


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

With every reading thus far, the most important thing I’m learning is that I have so much more learning to do. And perhaps for a field like interaction design, longevity and endurance for the process is key. The role of an interaction designer never ends because possible iterations in interactive systems doesn’t either. Interaction Design’s beginner’s guide says it best with:

One of the hardest parts about being a practicing interaction designer is the speed of change in the industry.

With the introduction of “goal-driven design”, I must bring up my previous point of contention outlining problem-solving as in inherent trait of any design output, interactive or otherwise, which makes stating the same explicitly seem redundant. The 5 tenets of goal-driven design by Alan Cooper, on the other hand, serve well as reminders for a multitude of making processes however, especially the bit about designers never working in a silo.

Meanwhile, Nielsen and Schneiderman’s memorability principle for usability particularly stands out because of how easily it gets left out. The ability to have the user return to something in addition to the ability to have them stay is a consideration worth holding onto.

Taking their own advice, I hope this piece by UX Booth stays current by constantly updating its curation of people to follow and tools to use.

