Two weeks until the SingularityU Portugal Summit Cascais. What to expect?


Yes, your calendar is right. Time flies and we only have two weeks left until the big summit in Cascais. It is time to start preparing your pitch and figuring out just what you most want to see and who to meet. So, what can you expect?

At the SingularityU Portugal Summit Cascais, you will learn about artificial intelligence, without it being a computing conference. You will learn about self-driving cars and networks but also about medicine and biotechnology, but it doesn’t mean that you’re at a tech or a health conference. You will also hear much talk about the future of work and economics but this is no public policy conference.

Confused? Don’t be. We can explain it all.

First of all, it’s impossible to compare this conference with any that you have ever attended. Over the course of two days, exponential technology forms the centrepiece of discussions with many of the world’s most renowned experts present in Cascais. Additionally, this summit is certainly not about listening, it’s far more than that — it’s about engaging.

As Ricardo Marvão, head of Singularity University Portugal, explained, the SingularityU Portugal Summit Cascais is not any one-way street where attendees simply listen to the panels and go home. “It must be an experience where you engage”, Marvão told us.

Correspondingly, there are three different stages: one for the main topics, one for deep dives on technology and one for workshops and showcases.

And just who is stepping up onto those stages? From governance to neuroscience, there are more than 20 speakers, including figures such as Ramez Naam, Jeffrey Rogers, David Roberts and Zita Martins.

On the first day, October 8th, attention focus on humanity’s grand challenges as well as exponential energy, exonomics — exponential economics — and the future of organizations. Then, October 9th is the day to discuss human potential, the future of education and jobs, governance and positive impact.

For example, Rogers is to give us a practical guide for thinking exponential in the future, while Roberts talks about the impact and opportunities of exponential technology in general. Martins is in charge of helping us deep dive into the technologies applied in space and how they might serve to improve life on earth.

In addition to all of these panels, attendees will gain the opportunity to meet all the speakers as well as the chance for networking in a high-level environment, trying all kinds of tech demos and, last but not least, trying out the delicious catering option, an important factor at any summit.

From our side, we expect you to leave the Summit with nothing less than a total paradigm shift about the course that we’ve already made, where we are going and what we may still feasibly do. So, what are you waiting for? Get your presence confirmed while you still can!

