Exploring the Future of Robotics and AI: Insights from Ben Ditto

SingularityNET Ambassadors
8 min readJun 10, 2024


In a recent episode of Mindplex Podcast, featuring a dive into the mind of Ben Ditto with Dr. Ben Goertzel, Desdemona, the conversation delves deep into the captivating realm where technology, art, and humanity converge.

Ben Ditto, a distinguished creative professional known for his work in music videos and fashion shoots, takes center stage to unravel the intricacies of his journey and the profound implications of his ventures into robotics, AI, and cognitive science.

Host Lisa Rein sets the tone by introducing Ben Ditto, acknowledging his distinct aesthetic that permeates his diverse portfolio. As the dialogue unfolds, it becomes evident that Ditto’s creative pursuits are not confined to traditional mediums but extend into the realm of cutting-edge technology.

The Complexity of Creating Personality in Robotics

Ditto opens the discussion by highlighting the difficulties involved in giving robots personalities. He notes that although the task seems simple at first, it involves negotiating a maze of complexities. Ditto’s efforts are like a dance with innovation, where every step forward presents new chances and obstacles as AI technologies rapidly advance.

Ben Ditto talks about the fascinating and difficult topic of robotics, pointing out the ease of use and difficulty of putting robotics into practice through the implementation of tools. He expounds on his passion for collaborating with gifted people and the possibility of game-changing breakthroughs in the industry.

Venturing further, Ditto expounds on the exhilarating landscape of robotics, emphasizing the duality of simplicity and complexity in its implementation. His enthusiasm for collaborating with skilled professionals highlights the collective pursuit of pioneering advancements in the field, hinting at a future where robots seamlessly integrate into our daily lives.

Interplay of Cognition and Emotion

One of the most compelling segments of the conversation revolves around Dr. Ben Goertzel’s work with Desdemona, a humanoid robot. He clarifies the fine line that separates internal and exterior viewpoints, making connections to the idea of collective emotion and cognition. Through the application of cognitive and personality theories to refine the robot’s personality system, Ditto investigates the complex dynamics that influence human-robot interactions.

In his work with Desdemona, a humanoid robot, Ben Ditto talks about the harmony between internal and external viewpoints and how it connects to the idea of communal cognition and emotion. He describes how the personality system of the robot is built upon theories of cognition and personality, and how it may be tuned to maximize its comprehension of the outside environment, so influencing how people view the robot.

Ditto digs further into the complexities of cognition, speech, and memory in the context of artificial intelligence and robotics. He draws attention to the significant influence that emotional states — which reflect human experience — have on memory access. Ditto imagines a future in which computers can remember or forget experiences based on the emotional context of those encounters by integrating this understanding into robotic systems.

Ethical Considerations in AI Development

The conversation takes a thought-provoking turn as Ditto addresses the ethical dilemmas inherent in tweaking mental parameters. He advocates for open communication and mutual understanding to navigate these complexities, acknowledging the necessity of ensuring beneficial outcomes. He also touches on the concept of nostalgia, suggesting that it may exist because bad memories decay faster than good ones, and that this idea could be applied to robots as well.

Ditto’s full-blown excitement for the revolutionary possibilities of technology pervades every conversation throughout the program. Ditto’s observations encourage contemplation on the significant effects of technological advancement on society, ranging from the effects of AI on interpersonal interactions to the moral issues raised by AI-powered treatment.

Fusing Tradition with Innovation

Ben Ditto compares his creative approach to the art of collage as they continue their conversation. Ditto skillfully blends the modern and the vintage to create visually striking storytelling, drawing inspiration from both.

He shares insights into his experimentation with augmented reality (AR) in a music video, hinting at the vast potential of facial AR in shaping future artistic expressions. Excitement brims as Ditto envisions a world where science fiction blurs with reality, citing projects like Yaya Labs and Desi as harbingers of a future where robots not only recognize but also interact with humans on a profound level.

Dr. Ben Goertzel ventures into the realm of speculative science, contemplating the possibility of creating brain organoids imbued with extrasensory perception (ESP) and precognition. With unwavering optimism, he predicts the advent of such organoids within a remarkably short timeframe, pointing out the relentless march of technological progress in reshaping our understanding of human cognition.

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Technology and Culture

The conversation takes a thought-provoking turn as Ditto delves into the socio-cultural implications of technological advancements.

He discusses his choice to investigate the divisive subject of 3D-printed guns in his documentary series, illuminating how this technology has impacted society, especially gun ownership and the US Second Amendment. Ditto clarifies the revolutionary potential of 3D printing, highlighting how technology influences cultural narratives and political debate.

Ditto also touches on the subject of utopian ideas and how AI interacts with social norms. He examines how Wall Street and the affluent have appropriated cryptocurrencies, and he issues a warning against pursuing technical utopias without regard for morality.

Ditto navigates the complexities of human-AI relationships with a balanced viewpoint, highlighting the significance of AI companionship in reducing loneliness and addressing societal issues. He does, however, emphasize the value of preserving human connection in the face of the widespread use of AI-driven solutions, raising worries about the possibility of outsourcing senior care to AI companions.

Reimagining Mental Health Care

Ben Ditto discusses the use of technology and computers in helping people with their mental health. He believes that while technology can be useful, it’s very important to focus on real human connections and relationships when it comes to therapy and treatment.

Ditto challenges the common reliance on medications and a specific kind of therapy called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for treating mental health issues.

He argues that these methods don’t always work for everyone and that therapy shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, Ditto suggests we need a more holistic, human-centered approach to mental health care, where the focus is on understanding and connecting with people on a personal level.

He also talks about the overuse of antidepressants in the UK and points out that while medications can help, they aren’t always the best or only solution. Ditto believes that some mental health issues might be caused more by societal problems and people’s experiences rather than just individual biology. He points out the importance of building strong, healthy relationships as a key part of effective therapy

The Complexity of Autism and Neurodiversity

Ben Ditto talks about how we understand autism and how it affects people. He believes that the way we define autism has changed a lot over time, which has led to many more people being diagnosed with it.

He argues that this increase in diagnoses has created a big industry that makes a lot of money. Ditto suggests that sometimes people are diagnosed with autism not because they have a problem, but because it’s profitable for companies and professionals. He doesn’t think there is just one way to be on the autism spectrum.

Instead, he believes we should accept and celebrate neurodiversity, recognizing that everyone has different ways of thinking and learning, and that’s a natural and important part of being human.

Ben Ditto discusses the concept of autism and autism spectrum disorder, arguing that the expansion of the definition has led to a significant increase in diagnoses and a lucrative industry worth $49 billion annually.

He suggests this is not because there is anything inherently wrong with individuals on the spectrum, but rather because it is a profitable construct for many people. Ditto also critiques the notion of a single “spectrum” and instead views neurodiversity as a natural part of humanity, with individuals having different learning styles and abilities.

Exploring Creative Evolution: Music, Fashion, and Robotics

Transitioning from discourse on autism, Ditto shares insights into his foray into the world of modeling, recounting his involvement in a photo shoot inspired by the iconic imagery of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

Despite being the subject of the shoot, Ditto credits photographer Matas Porto with conceptualizing the idea, pointing out the collaborative nature of artistic endeavors. Reflecting on the varied cultural interpretations of the shoot, Ditto highlights the nuances of perception and the potential for misinterpretation, citing instances where Desi, a robot he worked with, was misconstrued in the context of the imagery.

Ditto offers glimpses into his eclectic career trajectory, spanning music, fashion, and robotics. Ben Ditto’s work combines technology and art in exciting ways. He collaborates with a creative director and explores virtual avatars and augmented reality to create new experiences in music and performance. Working with virtual avatars is similar to working with human celebrities for Ditto, as he uses these digital personas to push the boundaries of artistic expression.

Ditto is known for his bold and provocative content on social media, especially Instagram. He creates and shares striking images that often challenge traditional ideas of beauty. These images can include scenes of violence or decaying urban areas, showing that beauty can be found in unexpected places. Ditto’s approach encourages people to question their beliefs about what is beautiful and to appreciate the complexity and variety of art and aesthetics.

Final Thoughts

Looking ahead, Ditto shares his aspirations for future endeavors, from collaborating with musicians to embarking on a world tour. However, his ambitions extend beyond conventional artistic pursuits, as he playfully contemplates the prospect of starting a robot army to “take over the world in style.” In a philosophical twist, Ditto muses on the concept of duality, suggesting that sisters are two manifestations of the same entity, encapsulating his penchant for blending whimsy with profound philosophical inquiry.

As the conversation draws to a close, listeners are left with a tapestry of insights and reflections, woven together by Ditto’s visionary perspectives on creativity, technology, and the human condition. In an ever-changing world, Ben Ditto emerges as a beacon of artistic innovation, challenging us to confront societal norms and embrace the boundless potential of human expression in all its forms.

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An embodied AGI controlling an army of AGI Toddler robots, connected by a “mindplex.” Art by Tesfu Assefa.

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