General AI: Towards the Singularity — With Ben Goertzel

SingularityNET Ambassadors
7 min readJul 31, 2024


In the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence (AI), few voices resonate as profoundly as Dr Ben Goertzel’s. With a background in mathematics and decades of experience as an AI researcher, Ben’s insights into the future of AI and its convergence with human intelligence offer a compelling narrative.

This article goes into his perspectives as shared in the session IA générale: vers la singularité — avec Dr Ben Goertzel, exploring the technological singularity, the mainstreaming of transhumanist ideas , and the profound societal and philosophical implications of these advancements.

The Journey Towards Human-Level AI

Ben Goertzel’s journey into AI began in the 1970s, when the concept of machines matching human intelligence was confined to science fiction. Today, however, we are on the brink of achieving this milestone. He expresses his excitement and trepidation about this development, highlighting the double-edged nature of such a revolutionary transformation.

Transhumanism can be off-putting to some people due to its association with replacing humans with something else, but the underlying concepts have become mainstream in recent decades. The mainstream acceptance of transhumanist ideas is evident in the way concepts like robots, cyborgs, and mind-uploading have permeated popular culture and consciousness. This phenomenon mirrors the widespread acceptance of feminist ideas, where the ideology has won, even if the terminology is not universally adopted.

People implicitly accept transhumanist principles, like AI inevitably surpassing human intelligence and the eventual solution to aging. However, there is a branding problem, as people do not reflect deeply and explicitly think about transhumanism. Ben expresses that mind uploading, while assumed to be possible by many young people, is yet to be a feasible technology and that people only think about what is right in front of them.

Philosophical and Social Implications

In order to meet the challenges presented by technological breakthroughs like as mind uploading, Dr. Ben Goertzel highlights the necessity for new philosophical frameworks. Like earlier life-extending technologies, most people will embrace this one as it becomes a reality.

For instance, while mind uploading offers a path to potential immortality, it also raises issues about identity, continuity of consciousness, and the societal impacts of vastly extended lifespans. Despite his belief that we have not yet developed the optimal infrastructure for creating human-like machines, he expresses surprise that we have not made more progress in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and doubts that the current approach of scaling the Frontier Model will be sufficient to achieve general or superintelligent AI.

AI and Longevity Research

A significant portion of Dr Goertzel’s work focuses on applying AI to extend human lifespan. The human body is an incredibly complex system, and aging is influenced by multifactorial interactions among genes, proteins, and various cellular processes.

Modern biological tools generate vast amounts of data, including DNA sequences, gene expression profiles, and metabolomic data. AI systems could identify interesting patterns related to the causes of aging and death based on this data and suggest cures for some of the issues that arise as we age.

Specifically, Dr Goertzel has focused on applying machine learning and machine reasoning tools to the analysis of genomic data relevant to aging and age-associated diseases.

AI can add value in this area because most complex characteristics of an organism, such as disease susceptibility, are not caused by a single gene or even a small number of genes but rather by the interaction of a large number of different genes in complex patterns. Traditional biostatistical methods were unable to study such data and find complex interaction patterns before the advent of AI for genomic analytics.

Dr. Ben Goertzel has been involved in various projects aimed at leveraging AI to decode the biological mechanisms of aging. For instance, his work with long-lived flies (Methuselah flies) has identified transcription factors associated with extended lifespans. By curating large knowledge graphs and employing machine reasoning tools, his team can integrate vast amounts of biological data to suggest potential therapies for age-related diseases. This Knowledge Graph Centric approach is better at capturing abstractions of data and experience, which is crucial for creative leaps of generalization.

The Frontier of AGI and Superintelligence

A crucial distinction in AI research is between machine learning, which identifies patterns within data, and machine reasoning, which applies logical structures to infer new insights from existing knowledge. Goertzel argues that a combination of these approaches, augmented by transfer learning (where knowledge gained in one context is applied to another), is essential for achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Dr Goertzel’s involvement in projects like OpenCog and SingularityNET highlights his commitment to developing AGI. OpenCog employs a dynamic knowledge graph that integrates various AI algorithms to simulate general intelligence. SingularityNET is a decentralized network of computers doing AI processing without a central controller, aiming to create a decentralized AI network, leveraging blockchain technology to ensure robustness and incentivize cooperation.

Rejuve Biotech, which is conducting Long Live Fly research and offers equity crowdfunding and utility tokens through the project, and Deep Funding, a grants program for work on AI and Singularity-related projects. He encourages those interested in creating beneficial general intelligence to join the organization and interact with early-stage AGI systems to teach them human ethics, values, and culture. He invites everyone to sign up for the SingularityNET mailing list to stay informed about new initiatives and interfaces for teaching AGI systems

International and Cultural Dynamics in AI Development

In discussing the global landscape of AI research, Goertzel highlights the different strengths of the US and China. While the US excels in fostering innovative ideas and initial commercial deployments, China is adept at scaling technologies and has certain data advantages due to extensive government data collection. However, he posits that as AI approaches general intelligence, the importance of vast data sets will diminish, and the ability to think abstractly will become paramount.

Challenges and Risks

Despite the optimistic outlook, Goertzel acknowledges the potential risks associated with AGI. Critics like Nick Bostrom and Eliezer Yudkowsky have raised concerns about existential risks, but Goertzel argues that these fears are overblown. He emphasizes the importance of a precautionary principle, where the potential benefits of AGI are weighed against the risks, and advocates for moving forward cautiously but optimistically.

The Inevitability of Singularity

Ben is a firm believer in the inevitability of technological singularity, a point where AI surpasses human intelligence, leading to unprecedented changes in society. He envisions a future where highly capable robots, powered by advanced AI, become ubiquitous within a year or two of reaching the singularity.

These robots will not only enhance human capabilities but also drive further advancements in AI by learning from their interactions with the physical and human world.

Consciousness, Simulation, and Utopia

Ben Goertzel’s musings on consciousness, the possibility of living in a simulation, and the concept of Utopia add a philosophical dimension to his technical discussions.

He entertains the idea of uploading his mind into a radically transhuman form, merging with superhuman intelligence while retaining a version of himself in a human body. These thoughts reflect the broader implications of AI and transhumanism, touching on deeply personal and existential themes.

By embracing an open-source approach and fostering international cooperation, we can work towards a future where AGI and other technological advancements benefit all of humanity, rather than a select few. As Goertzel aptly puts it, the journey towards singularity is not just about creating smarter machines, but about redefining what it means to be human in an increasingly interconnected and intelligent world.

Final Thoughts

Ben Goertzel’s insights into the future of AI, transhumanism, and singularity challenge us to rethink our relationship with technology and our place in the universe.

As we edge closer to achieving human-level AI, the questions we face are not just technical but deeply philosophical. How will society adapt to the presence of entities that can think and learn like humans? What ethical frameworks will guide the development and deployment of such technologies? How do we ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed equitably across the globe?

Ben Goertzel’s vision is not one of unbridled optimism but of a balanced approach that acknowledges the risks while highlighting the immense potential of AGI. His call for open-source collaboration and international cooperation underscores the need for a collective effort to navigate the challenges ahead. By fostering a culture of transparency and shared knowledge, we can mitigate the risks of an AI arms race and ensure that advancements in AI contribute to the greater good.

Moreover, his work on applying AI to longevity research exemplifies the practical benefits of these technologies. By harnessing the power of AI to understand and combat aging, we can improve the quality of life for millions, extending not just the lifespan but also the health span of individuals. This is a testament to the positive impact AI can have when directed towards solving some of humanity’s most pressing problems.

The journey towards the singularity is as much about self-discovery as it is about technological advancement. It invites us to explore the boundaries of human potential, to dream of futures where we transcend our biological limitations, and to ponder the nature of consciousness itself. As Goertzel and his contemporaries continue to push the frontiers of AI, we are reminded that the future is not a predetermined path but a canvas upon which we can paint our collective aspirations.

According to Ben Goertzel, the road to Singularity is full with opportunities as well as difficult obstacles. It need a proactive strategy that welcomes innovation but is watchful of its moral and societal ramifications. We may direct the advancement of artificial general intelligence (AGI) toward a future that is not just intelligent but also compassionate by cooperating across boundaries and disciplines.

In Goertzel’s vision, the singularity is not an endpoint but a new beginning — an opportunity to redefine the human experience in an age of unprecedented technological growth.

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