Eleven Secure Web Application Best Practices

Abhishek Kumar
8 min readAug 21, 2024


Because cyber threats have grown more frequent and complex, web app security is becoming increasingly important. To protect user data from breaches, web app developers — regardless of experience level — always incorporate the best security measures into their products. This tutorial talks you through 11 key practices for creating secure online applications that developers should follow. These practices, which include everything from secure coding to robust authentication techniques, will clarify how to make web and app development extremely safe in the face of the ever-changing cyber threat landscape.

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Web Application Security: An Overview of the Fundamentals

Most of the time, when we think of IT security, we immediately associate it with operating system or network security. But since the early 1990s, as web-based programs have taken over our routine duties, “cybersecurity” has become increasingly important.

Services for developing web applications are essential to modern business and society. They assist in getting things done for people and companies as quickly as feasible. Because of this, we no longer use paper-filled warehouses, rely on actual mail, or use traditional marketing strategies or phone-based customer support. In this situation, web apps assist in handling these responsibilities and enable companies to expand their clientele while sustaining operations and offering support — often by expanding internationally!

It has become increasingly important to protect this information because web development and app development are being widely used, and transmitting sensitive information via them is rather routine. Since new dangers are created every day and no web technology is 100% safe, developers must continuously update and improve their products.

Adhering to recommended guidelines can significantly enhance your web application’s security:

1. Make sure that development incorporates security

First and foremost, security measures need to be incorporated into the development cycle from the beginning, not only during post-development assessments for web application development services. This is an example of secure code, adhering to safe coding guidelines, and continuously testing for vulnerabilities in development. By doing that, you will lessen the chance that any vulnerabilities or breaches will find their way into your product and likely be found later.

2. Input Validation & Injection Needed

Until proven otherwise, it is best to presume that every input is malevolent. Input validation ensures that only input that is correctly formatted passes through and stops incorrect data from leading to security vulnerabilities. This essentially indicates that the format verifies the data’s real value and type. For instance, if a user is required to enter a date, it needs to be entered correctly and match a current date.

The majority of attacks, even the more dangerous ones like SQL injection and cross-site scripting, can be avoided with good input validation.

3. Protect Your Information

When it comes to web development, app development, or e-commerce development, encryption is a vital procedure for safeguarding data against illegal access. It makes sure that even if data is intercepted, nobody can decrypt it without the right key. 51% of firms reported having a data breach in the year prior, as per a Thales poll from 2022, underscoring the significance of having strong encryption protocols.

Data at rest and data in transit both require encryption:

Data in Transit: Encryption protocols like TLS are designed to safeguard data while it’s being sent between clients and servers. One of them, known as Transport Layer Security, or TLS for short, is used to protect large-scale internet communications, such as HTTPS connections. You are protecting potentially sensitive information, such as login credentials, payment information, and other sensitive personal data, from eavesdropping and manipulation by doing this — setting up data in transit encryption.

Information at Rest: Every sensitive piece of information kept on file systems, databases, and other storage devices needs to be encrypted. In this scenario, the method renders the data useless in the event of a physical theft or hacking event.

For instance, very acceptable security standards for data at rest are guaranteed by using AES with a 256-bit key. Many enterprises employ BitLocker or VeraCrypt, two disk encryption solutions that let users encrypt entire drives or partitions.

Using the appropriate algorithms is simply one aspect of encryption; another is key management. Use robust key management procedures to guarantee that encryption keys are routinely and safely rotated. For example, a secure environment for key management and storage can be achieved through the use of hardware security modules (HSMs).

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4. Choose to use exception management.

Steer clear of specific system messages that could provide an attacker with a lead; instead, treat issues sympathetically by using generic error messages. Additionally, it must guarantee that applications fail safely. For instance, if a transaction fails, the system must reverse the transaction and show user-friendly notifications rather than providing technical data that an attacker could exploit.

5. Managing Access Control, Role Management, and Authentication

Strong password policies that mandate complicated passwords, enforce regular password changes, and forbid the reuse of old passwords must, first and foremost, be built around a secure authentication mechanism.

The mechanisms for password recovery will be safe and include multi-factor authentication and recovery questions that guarantee that if the passwords are compromised, there will still be difficulty in access. According to Microsoft, MFA is capable of blocking more than 99.9% of account compromise attacks. In addition, it would significantly decrease the possible risk of structured access by RBAC with limited user privilege assignment and separation of duties. For example, one who authorizes the expenditure cannot be the one who will make the payment for that expenditure in a financial system.

Strong Implementation of SSL/TLS is needed to ensure secure Account-related information is transferred. It involves the obtaining of SSL/TLS certificates from trusted Certificate Authorities, enforcement of HTTPS on all types of traffic, and periodic monitoring and auditing of access controls and authentication mechanisms.

Periodic auditing and detailed audit logs establish a pervasive practice for investigating potential vulnerabilities and verifying compliance with security standards. The aforementioned procedures adhere to industry norms. Google, for instance, has strict password strength standards and widely uses two-factor authentication as part of its robust security procedures. Through its regular monitoring and auditing, it can reduce the potential effect of breaches by making the identification and response to security issues easier and faster.

6. Hosting or service security requires careful consideration.

Security risks can be reduced by regularly upgrading software, shutting down unneeded ports, eliminating default accounts, and configuring the web server and services properly to eliminate vulnerabilities.

Use the most recent security updates to keep your web server software updated.

To reduce the attack surface, disable unwanted services and block unused ports.

To guarantee compliance, regularly evaluate server configurations against the standard framework.

7. Guard Against Incorrect Security Configuration

Web app developers must maintain highly regulated environments for their web server configurations to prevent issues like vulnerable files, out-of-date software, and expiring certificates. Record the steps involved in configuring and setting up a web server. Use automatic configuration-scanning tools to find misconfiguration, for example, and refrain from making sensitive directories publicly accessible. You should also remove any default configuration that could expose an underlying vulnerability.

8. Use HTTPS

Use HTTPS to SSL-encrypt traffic between browsers and web servers, preventing sniffing of the data. All traffic should be diverted to HTTPS. The inability of an attacker to intercept and alter data while it is in transit (from the client to the server) is a need for any security at all. To prevent mixed content warnings, make sure that all external resources, such as graphics and scripts, are either static or delivered via HTTPS.

9. Examine and Record

Utilize the built-in logging and auditing features to track user activity and raise red flags for unusual activity. The records serve as a means of accountability and may become important in legal processes. Set up your web server, for instance, to log each request, answer, and possible mistake. Examine these logs periodically to identify/investigate any strange activity that occurs during the development of apps and websites. Configure automated alerts to notify administrators of possible security incidents.

10. Adhere to Strict Quality Assurance and Testing Procedures

To find and fix security flaws, run thorough tests that include vulnerability scanning and third-party penetration testing. Automating the process of checking your apps for known vulnerabilities is something you should be doing. Conduct security audits regularly and check code for compliance with security best practices. Independent third-party specialists should be engaged to conduct penetration testing and identify vulnerabilities that internal teams would not have been able to locate on their own.

11. Remain Alert Regarding Changing Dangers

Maintaining cybersecurity is an ongoing battle, not a one-time event. Fighting off emerging threats is aided by the proactive design of security plans, a focus on hazardous applications, and periodic strategy updates. Assemble a budget and leadership team to support active defense. To be informed about emerging risks, you could sign up for threat intelligence services and security bulletins, for instance. To improve the abilities of your development and security teams, provide them with frequent training sessions. To minimize any prospective security issue’s impact and address it as soon as it arises, a proficient incident response strategy has to be established.

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In summary

The world of web security is very dynamic. Thus, you should be able to carefully protect sensitive data as well as practically all of your web and app development processes if you adhere to all of the security precautions outlined above. Remember that maintaining security is a continuous effort rather than an isolated event. To ensure that your apps are protected from the most recent dangers, stay informed about them and be ready to modify your approach. Keep abreast of the best practices so that you can develop safe web applications.

Creating a “Culture of Security” within your development team, or in any web app development business you choose to work with, is another crucial step. Exchange information regarding potential weaknesses and create an “Incident Response Plan.” Regular security training is necessary for your team members to understand about dangers and defenses that should be considered throughout development.

Additionally, keep in mind third-party audits and peer assessments at all times. If you have a second set of eyes analyzing your code, they will undoubtedly notice flaws that you might have overlooked on your own. Lastly, regular evaluation and consultation with security specialists help developers identify their vulnerabilities and offer solutions to fortify their defenses.

Building secure web apps ultimately comes from a combination of knowledge, alertness, and teamwork. These recommended practices provide solid security and safeguard your application by incorporating them all throughout the development process. Contact our professionals at QWI to begin developing safe websites and mobile applications right now!



Abhishek Kumar

Hi, I’m Abhishek Kumar a professional full-time blogger in Quickway Infosystems, a digital marketer, and a trainer.