Where can I find a divorce lawyer in India?

Amit Sinha
2 min readJul 30, 2019


A good divorce lawyer in India can be found quite easily these days and if anyone ought to get the credit for it, it’s none other than the online legal service provider companies. Among them, Vidhikarya is a company providing the service of locating one of the eminent legal consultants available.

As one is looking for a divorce lawyer in India for one’s case, there are a few things that one ought to keep in mind and they are the following:

Efficiency: In all professions, the efficiency of a person matters a lot. In divorce cases, one’s lawyer ought to present the client’s case efficiently by appropriately citing and optimally utilizing the legal precedents to ensure that the client’s case is on a strong footing. Therefore, it’s imperative to find a divorce lawyer in India who can efficiently manage divorce cases. Vidhikarya can aid and abet in choosing a divorce lawyer in India amongst thousands of lawyers aligned with Vidhikarya.

· Fees: The cost of legal service can easily shoot through the roof or skyrocket which is a matter of huge concern for anyone. Any layman would believe that legal procedures are typically expensive; really a myth. Vidikarya is on a mission to prove it otherwise. Vidhikarya is transparent about the expenses in advance as it starts the process so that people are aware of how much it would cost them given the budget.

· Knowledge: Lawyers with in-depth knowledge of the provisions of the law is well-versed about how to apply and the loopholes. This, in essence, makes the case stronger. Although it’s no different than efficiency, neither is it similar. Efficiency is in relation to how it’s applied in the practical sense while knowledge is all about theory or theoretical knowledge.

· Success Rate: When anyone searches for a good divorce lawyer in India, what it essentially means is that a divorce lawyer in India with a recent track record of winning similar cases. The yardstick for measuring the success of a divorce lawyer in India is in the number of cases won. One could go through the lawyer reviews on Vidhikarya website for a listing of the best divorce lawyers and read about what the clients have to say.

Therefore, undoubtedly Vidhikarya legal services are amongst the top websites to connect with Lawyer. Vidhikarya is committed and dedicated to providing divorce lawyers on a case by case basis rather than on the basis of one-size-fits-all to favorably represent clients within their budget or in a cost-effective manner.

