Why SINTEZ important and necessary

5 min readNov 16, 2017


In the previous article (“About SINTEZ in Simple Words”), I described what exactly is SINTEZ using simple analogies and comparisons with existing products. However, it was not explained in detail why our system is so important and why people need this kind of product and not something else. In this article, I will show that the design of our platform follows logically from the key properties of the future economy; any potential competitor will be forced to do the same.

1. First things first, let’s start with the system as a whole. It is known that programs that contain a full range of optimally tuned and matched components providing great convenience are very popular. For example, Windows invariably takes precedence over Linux by the number of users due to this advantage. As for smartphones by Apple, they attract users by the fact that there is no need to customize the system. There is practically no risk that some component will suddenly ‘refuse’ to work with the system or comes into conflict with other applications. It’s good when these components ‘know’ each other; such integration allows you to activate one program via another. For example, creating a picture in Paint, you can easily import it as a PowerPoint presentation, and then print it out using the built-in program for printing by Windows.

We plan to provide SINTEZ users with similar integration advantages. By purchasing coins once, you will be able to conduct a variety of operations without spending time analyzing different companies and their products, addressing compatibility issues, interaction algorithms, and hidden fees. In the future, you will need a single app on your smartphone to buy and sell a variety of goods, and keep the unused funds in stable coins or invest in the best way for you. You will be sure that the system is always configured without errors and won’t play pranks at the most inappropriate moment, that you will not have to waste time learning additional materials, and that you will not lose your money all of a sudden due to some incompatibility. After all, that is what’s important when working with your values; otherwise, it can be pretty stressful.

2. So why is Coin so important in its current form? Of course, stability is important, otherwise it’s not money. We are also sure that the future global currency is a fully decentralized crypto currency. But there are analogues, so why would we reinvent the wheel? Thing is, the main difficulty in creating money is ensuring their liquidity. This is the property of money exchange without large costs.

As it was said in the previous article, the greatest possible liquidity will be ensured thanks to the fact that Coin does not exist by itself, but in the SINTEZ system. A specific mechanism is the spread reduction (i.e. the difference between the purchase and sale price) when buying Coin and exchanging it for other currencies, products/services and other benefits due to cash flow growth. The greater these flows, the more market makers who want to earn the spread there are. The more market makers there are, the higher the competition between them, and the more they reduce the spread, as the one who can set the best prices, participates in transactions and eventually earns.

So, for the minimum spread, there must be maximum flows of money and maximum exchange. Our system ideally meets this criterion. We create a platform that combines the widest range of economic relations. Each type of relations is matched by its own transactions, its cash flows. All this together makes the greatest possible contribution to the liquidity of Coin, turns it into REAL money. It also prevents the competition with other stablecoins, not existing under a similar platform.

As an illustrative example, let’s take the over-the-counter Forex market. Huge amounts of exchange of various fiat currencies lead to the fact that the spread on currency pairs is minimal; for example, it is much less than in the stock market. If they did not have such liquidity, it would be difficult to use them as money.

3. The second platform element, which may be even more important is Smart Investing. It’s not so much that it provides opportunities to flexibly identify investment preferences and form a unique product optimally suitable for the consumer. The main thing is that the advantages of investing, available to rich people, are made available to everyone at a minimum price.

Indeed, if you have a lot of money, you can hire the managers, who will find the right traders, work to determine your preferences, and form the investment tools you need. Well, if not optimally, but you will still satisfy your needs. But what about ordinary people? How do they solve this issue? You come to the management company, and they offer you 3 products — low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk. Not to mention that it is proposed to analyze and distribute funds between them by feel, the choice itself is extremely narrow. With a high probability, you will not get what you want. Most likely you do not need it at all; even after trying, you will be most displeased with it and tell everyone that investment is a fraud. You may want to find alternatives, but no one will bother working with your small amount. And there may be few serious management companies in your region, which you can trust…

People often ask whether we are just another eToro or Cindicator. In connection with this, we once again emphasize one of the main features of Smart Investing, which is required for investment to become truly affordable for all. The existing systems offer people THEMSELVES to choose their strategies and traders, or even adopt ‘the best’ strategy. But the problem is precisely that what is good for some may not be good for all. Our system distributes funds automatically and in accordance with the user’s unique needs! This is what enables any investor to flexibly choose his own synthetic investment product. Moreover, such systems as eToro and Cindicator are not analogues or competitors of Smart Investing; they be harmoniously integrated, saturating the range of SINTEZ capabilities.

The goal of Smart Investing is to create a real global market for professional management services for EVERYONE. The market, on which ANYONE can find what he needs. And do it in a convenient, optimal, and safe way. Thanks to this, the very concept of investment will become closer to the people. It will no longer be seen as something incomprehensible — something, which is very difficult to do, and is very risky in all respects. Changing the society’s attitude to investment, we will change the market of investments and bring it to a new level of development. And the whole economy with it.

SINTEZ — we’re synthesizing the future!

Project Website: https://sintez.global

ICO Website: https://sintez.global/ico

Whitepaper in English: https://sintez.global/sintez_whitepaper_eng.pdf

Presentation: https://sintez.global/sintez_presentation_eng.pdf

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