IWCF41 — Facebook Shifts Its Mission To Empowering Communities feat Vanessa Dimauro

George Siosi Samuels
It Will Come Show
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2017

In this episode, we chat with Vanessa DiMauro, CEO of Leader Networks, to talk about Facebook’s new mission change, a brief history of community management, and thoughts on recent tech news.

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👤 About Vanessa DiMauro

Vanessa DiMauro is an executive advisor, social scientist, speaker, CEO of Leader Networks, and Faculty at Columbia University.

As CEO of Leader Networks, which is Vanessa’s research and consulting firm, she helps clients better engage their customers, drive new product and service innovations, reduce costs, and boost shareholder value. Ultimately, Leader Networks helps companies use digital and social technologies to gain a competitive advantage.

“The pace of innovation is so fast now that technology is more powerful than our imagination is able to keep up.”

“The digital ecosystem is now converging around community.”

🎧 Episode Summary

  • How innovation is outpacing our human imaginations
  • The cost of having too many tools in an organization with no standardization
  • On Facebook’s new mission and enabling communities
  • Distributed power and “The Social Consumer”
  • How old ways are coming back in new ways (apple cart)
  • On Amazon buying Whole Foods Group for $13.7b
  • Why certain physical places and human behaviors necessitate a communal spirit
  • Why it’s important to hire a Community Manager upfront (like Instagram did)
  • … and more!

🔥 Rapid Fire Questions

Favorite book? Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Favorite quote?
‘The shortest distance between two people is a common puzzle’ — @vdimauro favorite quote on… Click To Tweet

What do the words “it will come” mean? “Be patient. Work hard. Put in your time and goodness will happen. You will actualize but you got to put the work in.”

If you could choose any animal to be, what would you be and why? Parrot.

Any final piece of advice? “Enjoy what you do. Community is an never-ending joy and battle. Put people first and care deeply about the human connections, and you’ll be successful in enterprise, you’ll be successful in organisations, but never lose sight of the goal, which is to be of service. It’s the whole show.”

📌 Reference List

Below is a list of links referenced in the episode:

Connect with Vanessa on social media 👉 LinkedIn / Twitter

👌 Cool Quotes

Originally published at It Will Come.



George Siosi Samuels
It Will Come Show

Culture-tech innovator | 3x founder & Managing Director @ Faiā | Micropreneur advocate | Scaling tech communities for 10+ years | Student of ancient wisdoms