These 6 Gadgets Truly Stand Out As Innovative And Essential In The Age Of A Pandemic

Shipra Pal
5 min readMay 4, 2021


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After spending such a long time in a pandemic lockdown mode, you must be acquainted with all the guidelines for staying safe. Contactless technologies are emerging as a true game changer in the gadgets space and this list features a surprisingly useful gadget incorporating this innovation.

Here is our roundup of some of the most useful, urgent and innovative gadgets and inventions we think will make your pandemic easier to deal with.

1. Foamatic


In a world where contactless technologies are more needed than ever, this automatic foam dispenser device deserves to have a place in your environment. Now, you can clean yourself with ease, without having to touch surfaces that could spread germs.

The best part about contactless technology is that it makes Foamatic the perfect way to institute a culture of handwashing at home. Kids don’t have a hard time using it after it has been loaded and set up.

Even better, you can put all kinds of liquid soap in it, to make your own germ-killing concoction. Life gets a little easier when you don’t have to worry about keeping your hands clean.

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2. CoverSafe Pro

New strains of COVID-19, the necessity to have thicker masks, and health advisories from the CDC, all tell us one thing: our masks have been helpful so far, but we are going to need better masks. This reusable face cover comes with triple layers and all the anti-fog elements you require (if you are wearing glasses).

The clean breathing cover keeps itself dust-free so it does not get dirty quickly, allowing you to use it for longer. In the effort to stay safe and be confident going out when you need to, CoverSafe Pro is what you want.

Since it is a reusable face cover, it means that you will be part of the many people around the world mitigating waste while staying safe.

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3. Lucid Shield

Pandemic or not, there is no reason why conversing, looking great in makeup, or being able to read lips should be hindered. Enter the Lucid Shield, a transparent face shield that lets people see your beautiful makeup and be able to tell from expressions, what you are talking about.

With a total weight of a little over 2 ounces, this anti-pollution breathing shield is what you need, for comfort and to maintain your ability to effectively communicate with people, without endangering yourself or them. Do not worry about the obvious fogging issues, since the engineering on this Anti-Fog shield presents it with a breathable design. Step out and enjoy the best features the Lucid clean breathing shield has to offer.

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4. Handsan Wrist

Staying safe needs to be easier now more than ever. Thanks to the power of technology, Handsan Wrist is available to help you with just that. Whether you are out walking, shopping, hiking, or doing any activity, it could be a problem to find a reliable place to clean your hands. What if, you did not have to carry bottles of sanitizers and wipes in a bag?

The idea behind Handson Wrist is to ensure you have mobility, reliability, and convenience if you want to clean your hands. Just like a watch, this hand sanitizer gadget will stay comfortably snug on your wrist, keeping your arms free. Staying hygienic and reducing the risk of germs exposure just got easier.

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5. LiveTemp Pro

Fewer symptoms are as accurate at identifying COVID-19, as temperature. It is easily identifiable but without a thermometer (which takes too long) or touching the person’s forehead, getting an accurate reading is not easy.

LiveTemp Pro is a game-changer in the contactless technologies for the temperature measurement field. It can tell you the temperature of a person, just by pointing it at their head. An infrared beam shoots out and allows the gadget to take a reading.

There is no risk of you getting an infection. At some point, you have needed this device and now, it is easy here. LiveTemp Pro is a great choice, with an affordable price tag.

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6. SmartSanitizer Pro

Hygiene is the name of the game now. It will continue to be, even after the pandemic ends. What are the chances you are reading this on your phone right now? How often do you touch risky surfaces, put your phone in your pocket while it is covered with gunk and germs, wash your hands and then soil them again when you inevitably touch your phone?

The point is, our phones are a big part of our life. In an age of lockdowns not seen in more than a century, our phones are our big refuge. We use them for entertainment, social connections, news updates, and other necessary constant needs. They are our big refuge, but we shouldn’t let them bring risks into our home. SmartSanitizer Pro is the UV-light solution you have been looking for.

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Many of these are game changers, revolutionizing how we carry out our days and use our time. If you haven’t yet tried these products, now’s the time to do so before they’re all gone!

