Failed in Physics — Class 6th

Prashant Sudeep
3 min readJun 10, 2019


I was in School in class 6 at that time and we had our first quarterly exams. I was in an I.C.S.E school so after class 5 subjects branch into specific fields for example science into 3 viz Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Social Science into History-Civics and Geography.

I have been a mediocre student all throughout my school. It was pretty hard for me to catch with so many new subjects. I somehow managed to get to passing marks in most subjects except Physics. I had 16 marks in Physics and 20 was the passing marks out of 50. So, basically I had failed in Physics.

My School had this funny rule, If you don’t pass in all subjects you won’t be getting a rank in class. So people who had passed in all subjects would get a rank no matter how terribly you perform in terms of the overall percentage. This was a big thing as people who used to pass all subjects and get rank were considered to be superior to others who didn’t pass in all the subjects.

When the Physics teacher was distributing the exam copies to all students she was asking students who had failed in Physics whether they have passed in other subjects. My turned came and she asked me same thing. Knowing that I had passed in all other subjects whose marks have been out except this one, she gave 4 marks as a grace and passed me. She also asked me to worked hard and to perform better in the half-yearly exams.

Some of my friends who had also failed in Physics weren’t given grace marks because they had in some other subjects besides Physics were jealous of me. But the result one more subject was still awaited. Most of my classmates who were not in the list to get a rank were hoping that I must fail in the last subject whose marks was awaited. If that happens I will not get a rank and will part of non-ranker group. And the grace marks in Physics will be wasted.

And I failed in the subject whose marks was awaited and this filled everyone who had failed in any one of the subjects with immense joy. It teaches a lot human behaviour and jealously. You will find this kind of behaviour and attitude in smaller towns(tier 2 & 3) and middle class families.

There are 2 kinds of people in this world, first who wants to compete by pulling others down and bringing to their own level and feel happy about it. Second who is motivate others by doing exceptional work and pulling other people up around them and would not even brag about it. It’s very hard to find 2nd kind of people but you will come across people who will mostly fall in class 1, but it would be hard to figure those kind of people.

Try to be a class 1 kind of people. They will be more successful and peaceful in the long run.

