Laravel/Lumen errors handler & Slack

Syed Sirajul Islam Anik
3 min readMar 13, 2019



I have been working in a project where it’s quite common that other dependent services will be down for minutes. And it’s not also possible to keep an eye on your log files to see what’s going wrong when you’re constantly logging lots of data and thousands of requests are coming per minute. So, in that case, you may want to integrate some other services or monitoring tool that will instantly notify me about these scenarios. So, slack is a good choice which comes pre-integrated with Laravel/Lumen.

To integrate Slack with Laravel, all you need is a slack URL. Laravel documentation is quite straight forward. But, in case you’re facing trouble, you may just go through the code or you need to be spoon fed like me.

First of all, you need is a slack URL. You can get a slack account and add a webhook from here. When you have the webhook URL, place it in your .env file with the key LOG_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL. Now in your config/logging.php file, you can change your

  • username
  • emoji for the username
  • level

When you’re done updating these variables, you’re just done. All you need to do is,

app('log')->channel('slack')->error('Hitting first log to slack');

This will send a log to slack. That’s it. It’s that easy. The level is an important key to this configuration. If the level is set to a higher than you’re trying to log, it won’t get logged.


  • When you created the webhook URL, you attached a default channel name. In case you want to change the channel name, add a key channel to your slack configuration array.
  • If you don’t want your messages to be long, you can use short as a key to slack configuration and set it to true
Long Message
Short Message
  • You can change the username who’ll be sending those logs. Just change the username value in your slack array.
  • Most importantly, you need to change the level value of your slack configuration. This denotes what type of logs will be sent to Slack. You can have a look at the levels.
  • bubble means, if you’re handing multiple drivers for logging after it handles Slack, it won’t log to other logs even if it meets the log level.
  • context means, if you’re passing array and string both at the same time, it’ll format the array and log to the channel.
Shows context information
  • For learning what are the permitted keys that you can use, take a look in this file.

That’s my two cents. Happy coding. ❤



Syed Sirajul Islam Anik

software engineer with "Senior" tag | procrastinator | programmer | !polyglot | What else 🙄 — Open to Remote