“Deep Dive into Your Writing” — A Glimpse Into My Mind and a Response to Sweet Chaos

Answering the deepest writerly questions…

Mike Hickman
7 min readJun 10, 2023


A close-up of a typewriter with the words “giving up is not an option” typed out in black ink on paper.
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood: https://www.pexels.com/photo/typewriter-1930686/

In response to ’ piece: “Deep Dive into Your Writing” — A Glimpse Into My Mind | by Sweet Chaos | Jun, 2023 | Medium

  1. When did you start writing? Is there a specific story?

I had an exercise book. It might have been a Snoopy one… I know the cover was stylish black and white with cartoon strips on it. I remember the matching pencil, the smell of the eraser, the plastic smell of the whole package because it had been one of those book and pencil sets that were very popular when I was small.

And cheap. Very cheap.

For me to be bought anything at all, it had to be cheap.

I remember writing stories. I had a diary that largely consisted on obvious statements like “I got up” and similar. A lot of references to television programmes. Some of them very eye-opening… What I was doing watching an adult comedy like Blott on the Landscape at age seven, I actually do know… My mother required company. I was company. So, I got to see George Cole in a diaper whilst handcuffed to a bed before I knew what I was really seeing.



Mike Hickman

Mike Hickman (@sirhenryatrawlinsonend@me.dm) is from York, England. Words in Red Fez, Little Old Lady Comedy, Doctor Funny, The Haven, Sledgehammer & many more