Are cognitive biases, non-factual “mental constructs”

Siri Perera
4 min readMar 10, 2022

Cognitive biases are what they call “mental constructs”.

If you look at this definition:

A cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment. Individuals create their own “subjective reality” from their perception of the input. An individual’s construction of reality, not the objective input, may dictate their behavior in the world. Thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationality.

Basically subjective thinking.

Cognitive bias is when you have an observation and then use that observation to spin it in your head using verbal thinking and creating something totally new in your mind about that observation — and this is important to recognise a cognitive bias and that is when you spin it in your head you do not follow or use facts in your thinking. So it is totally made up in mind.

An idea might seem like a cognitive bias, but with an idea, perhaps along the way, you would have used some facts to underpin the idea and hence keeping it kosher and factual. Some might look at this as a limitation as in artistic communities they are totally free to create. The courage to create and that comes from being totally free from existing norms.

Cognitive bias can be used mostly in psychological thinking of this and that in the mind about your neighbour. Even about your wife but the love for the wife can see this kind of psychological thinking brought under control. The problem is when you act on cognitive bias thinking and treat them as real in the mind. It is trouble ahead for them and these are a very dangerous type of thinking. People do act on them and kill, maim, divorce, lose friends, make mistakes etc. You need to know in mind that this is a fact or an idea made from fact, and that is that, a lie in me, a “mental construct”.

Hence, “The Truth in the Lie in me” — we are made of these 2 things but you need to know that you are and hence use them knowingly. Not knowing of the lie in your mind, the non-factual cognitive biases is to continue to make mistakes in life and not know why things fail with businesses and relationships etc. Hence life for one is always the ending is where the beginning is all over again.

We were saying the last time we met that a great revolution must take place not only because of the appalling world situation but because it is imperative for the human mind to be free to discover what is true. It seems to me that it is essential to bring about a new mind; a mind that is not limited by nationality, by organized religions, by belief, by any particular dogma or by the limitations of experience. It is urgent, surely, to bring about a creative state — a state which is not merely the capacity to invent, to paint, to write and so on, but creative in a much deeper and wider sense. We were wondering how it is possible to bring about such a revolution, and what action is necessary. And I hope we can continue along this line of investigation.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

You see with love your enemy, it is not the person that is the enemy, but it is the action that is the enemy that you want to hate. You even go as far as saying in an unrealised mind, the action in mind or the thinking in mind which brings about the action in mind and hence manifested with hate in mind that is to be blamed. What the mystics say is the human being as the person itself is that of God and of the universe, evolved in time in the body as it arose from consciousness into being, but with a mind that needs to be realised hence to have the right thinking as a sense of right and wrong. The person is made in the image of God and can do no wrong but the mind can do wrong. If you keep this in mind you can start to forgive your enemy — but I advise you if you have any doubt, think of the thinking, and do not fraternise with them — be it a person or even a business or a salesman who wants to sell you a car. Especially do not invite them to dinner at home.

On the way to slaughter: Triple murderer is caught on CCTV walking with his final victim moments before he raped and killed the five-months-pregnant mother-to-be

PUBLISHED: 18:31, 10 March 2022

Triple murderer on CCTV walking with pregnant victim

Chilling CCTV footage shows ‘callous and calculating’ triple killer Anthony Russell walking with Nicole McGregor before raping and murdering the mother-to-be in Leamington Spa.

He killed the mother to be, with the Mona Lisa smile:

