Is interdimensional space travel possible?

Siri Perera
4 min readJun 14, 2022

I am only answering this via speculation. As fun to look at and speculate with what I know of how the Universe was created.

Interdimensional space — meaning different living spaces existing in parallel to each other. So how did these different dimensions come to exist in the first place? If we know this then we can see how we can visit the other dimensions.

It seems some scientists have speculated that the different dimensions were created when a proton escaped from one dimension and expanded to create the new dimension and so on and hence many dimensions can exist next to each other.

So these were created as a result:

So we are living in one of these dimensions and we know what it feels and looks like to be living in one of these dimensions. Just to remind you that what we see of the dimension we live in is only an equivalent of the real thing because what we see goes through an interpretation process via the eyes and brain processing. So the most we can say is that it is equivalent to the real thing. What is really what reality is to us humans will always be just a Brain-MIND thing at its very best interpretation. So if there are other Aliens in the other dimensions or Universes, we do not see how their brains and mind will interpret what they see. In fact, since we emerged out of the energy infrastructure of the universe as us humans we do not know how the other inhabitants had emerged from the infrastructure. They could very well be just energy forms.

and this:

The other inhabitants could just be energy forms with no human body but just an exoskeleton to hold the energy, to give it shape and be made visible. They would all come out of the same “soup” of energy particles and waves of their own dimensions and if they are all coming from a proton then it would all look like our own Universe.

So travel between dimensions now is possible if we can find the portals from which the proton escaped to create the new dimension-universe. We can live in any which one there is as they would be the same as ours, of the same type of expanded proton? But its infrastructure might not be developed like ours as we have developed ours and as we see it. But it would be fun to live in another dimension and then come back to ours. Like going for a holiday to a weird country with a weird culture and then coming back home and thinking what was all that about, a weird country with different customs, like a different dimensions. But then what would a different dimension look like and what would the people look like.

I had an experience with a visitor from a different dimension visiting us. He came in a spacecraft and was hiding in the clouds. He wanted me to find him and see what he looked like and I could communicate with him/her by just thinking. He/she looked like this:

In his spaceship:

I guess he found that portal to come to visit. He seemed glad to see me and as you can see he had his hands out to show me that he had hands too. But he/she looks a bit weird through our eyes and brain processing of what he/she looks like but I sense the Alien to be friendly when I was communicating with the visitor from another dimension.

