Mind in Art

Siri Perera
5 min readFeb 13, 2023

Art reflection on the mind.

If you want to know everything about your brain and mind and how it works and its limitations — then use the process of making art and observe the brain-mind. Art, compared to all the other creative processes, is the ONLY process that is free to create because in essence, it is an exploratory process that has total freedom to do what it wants to do, as there is no good and bad in art — all of it and its manifestations and process routes will show you something of yourself and the limitations of the brain and mind from what you do and how you proceed to create art.

One of the first things you will observe is that all you have is your memory, and no matter how hard you try, you can never get past your memory and your past and of what you know for information. So trying to find something “new” in art is just not possible. We always compare what we do with our past in mind for validation. That is why art evolves at a snail’s pace — the majority of the form and reason for art to exist is already of the known in you, and if you are lucky, you might find something new which you might add on to what you already know, and this might give the work some mystery. You will know that there is something new in art hidden with its form because it would give you a feeling of being weird, askew — something about it you want to reject but cannot because a lot of it, a…

