Introducing Sirius Finance: The first cross-chain stablecoin AMM & farming center on Astar Network

3 min readFeb 28, 2022


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Stablecoin, held by institutions and high-net-work risk-averse investors, is always the most crucial segment to lock large and deep liquidity, as it has already been proved by success of Curve Finance.

Sirius Finance is a cross-chain stablecoin AMM, attracting and locking tremendous value with low-slippage trading costs & high APY for LPs on Astar Network, allowing more financial innovation & yield boosting for Astar users.

Based on Astar Network, Sirius Finance aims to be a one-stop low-slippage swap market for various stablecoins within the Polkadot ecosystem.

Ultimately, it serves as a stablecoin swap DAO connecting Polkadot, EVM-compatible chains and other major layer1 chains.

Major demands

LIQUIDITY: Deep liquidity is always a necessity for Astar and stablecoin is an ideal place to draw liquidity.

YIELD: Lack of yield opportunities for high-net-worth clients & institutions on Astar or Polkadot.

CONNECTION: Various native stablecoins would soon be deployed on Astar with absence of low-slippage AMM.

INTEGRATION: Various protocols, like lending & aggregator, integrate with Sirius Finance to generate greater yields for liquidity providers, thereby increasing overall TVL for Astar.

So we offer a low-slippage stablecoin AMM algorithm based protocol solution: Sirius Finance.

Backed by Astar and also as the first stablecoin AMM on Astar, Sirius Finance is able to:

  1. Receive initial liquidity provision from various stablecoins on Astar

2. Collaborate with multiple potential Astar native protocols for APY boosting

Most importanly, as soon as Astar enbales cross-chain, Sirius Finance can connect Polkadot parachains via XCMP & Astar Network, connect all EVM ecosystems via c-bridge, allow stablecoin swap between EVM compatible chains and Polkadot ecosystem by one click.

AMM Algorithm & Pool Design

Basepool: USDC, USDT, DAI and BUSD.

Sirius Finance adopts the least risky and market-proofed assets to basepools while more stablecoins and LPs will be adopted by metapool in the near future by governance.

Liquidity provider incentives

45% of total SRS will be liquidity provider incentives which will be divided into 3 parts including kickoff reward program (1%), early adopter program (1% ) and long-term liquidity provider incentive plan (43%).

The longer lock-up time and the more lock-up SRS, the higher the boost factor (up to x3 maximum)and also an increase in the voting weight which can be used to:

  1. New pools establishment

2. Liquidity gauge parameters

3. Preferred rights for airdropped tokens

With the expansion of Astar and integration with other protocols, voting will become more essential to decide how future rewards will be distributed.

Kickoff reward program: TBA

Early adopter program: TBA

SRS tokenmetrics

$SRS Utility

1.Staking: SRS can be staked to receive trading fees from the Sirius Finance.

2.Boosting: boost your rewards on provided liquidity. When vote locking SRS, you will also earn a boost on your provided liquidity of up to 3x.

3.Yield profits: 50% of trading fees are collected and used to buy 3SRS, the LP token for the TriPool, which are then distributed to veSRS holders.

4.Governance: once SRS holders vote-lock their veSRS after at least 1 year, they can start voting on various DAO proposals and pool parameters.

5.Transaction fee: each swap transaction takes a fee.

2022 Roadmap

Knowing more about Sirius Finance by joining our Twitter, Telegram and Discord.




Cross-chain Stablecoin AMM & LP Farming Center on Astar Network.