Sirius Finance Shibuya Testnet Guide: Step-by-Step Tutorial

4 min readMar 25, 2022


More to come

Hello, Siriusers!

Sirius Finance will soon be deployed on the Shibuya testnet at 12 PM UTC, 26th March together with a 500,000 $SRS giveaway!

To ensure that everyone knows how to play around with our Dapp and help with testing, here’s a thorough guide to assist users on how to access and use our dapp on the Shibuya testnet!

How to get testnet tokens?

Follow these 2 simple steps and you’re ready to go!

1)Claim some SBY for gas(transaction) fees

Join Astar Network’s Discord -> Find Testnet: Shibuya Faucet -> Enter: /drip Shibuya (Your personal 0x address here)

2) Claim stablecoins BUSD, USDC, USDT, DAI at:

*Note that all testnet tokens have no monetary value and can only be used within the testnet.

Step-by-Step Guide on Testnet

1)Add Shibuya network to your Metamask

Follow this procedure: Click your metamask profile -> Settings -> Networks ->Add a new network, inside the “New RPC URL,” modify as shown below:

Network Name: SHIBUYA


Chain ID: 81

Currency Symbol: SBY

Block Explorer URL:

*Please add testnet token contract addresses to Metamask on Shibuya testnet to see the balance in your wallet.

Follow the steps below to begin testing:

2) Swap

Initiate a swap between any of the following pairs USDC<>USDT<>BUSD<>DAI.

Feel free to play around with the slippage tolerance and transaction deadline at settings!

Sirius finance swap page

3) Pool

Add liquidity to the pool, to do so, click on the “Deposit” button and follow the instructions; to remove liquidity from the pool, click on the “Withdraw” button and follow the instructions.

Sirius finance pool page

4) Farm

Engage in farming with the LP tokens received from providing liquidity in point 3 above.

Start by approving your LP tokens by clicking the “Approve” button and confirming the transaction, you can then deposit your LP into the farm to start earning rewards, you can also withdraw your LP tokens and claim the rewards generated by depositing LP tokens with the “Withdraw” and “Claim” buttons.

NOTE: All rewards hold no real world value, they’re just test tokens.

Sirius finance pool page

5) Submit feedback to Sirius Finance’s official discord: #Bug Report and #Product optimization channels based on the feedback type, where necessary, add media files to your feedback.

How can I get my testnet rewards?

Sirius Finance Shibuya Testnet campaign will last for 3 days from 12 PM UTC, March 26th to 12 PM UTC, Match 29th.

REMEMBER: You MUST fulfil all the requirements listed below during the validity of time to be eligible for the rewards:

  • Perform all actions on the Sirius Finance Shibuya testnet using one wallet address
  • Perform at least 10 swaps
  • Add and remove liquidity(stablecoins) in the pool for at least 5 times
  • Deposit and withdraw LP tokens from the farm for at least 5 times
  • Claim rewards at least once
  • Submit your feedback to Sirius official discord: #Bug Report and #Product optimization based on the feedback type.
  • Please do not plagiarise out of the respect for others work

$SRS prizes will be distributed after the token generation event.

If you still have questions about the testnet event, drop us a message in our Telegram/Discord community and ask for help from fellow Siriusers!

About Sirius Finance

Sirius Finance is the first Polkadot-native stablecoin AMM on Astar Network. Our mission is to provide a stable, highly liquid trading platform for stablecoins, deep liquidity for connected protocols, attract and lock tremendous value to facilitate more innovations and collaborations for Astar and Polkadot.

Join Sirius Finance by joining Twitter, Discord and Telegram.




Cross-chain Stablecoin AMM & LP Farming Center on Astar Network.