Meet the team: Blockchain Developer Sebastian Pinca

1 min readNov 27, 2019


What’s your area of responsibility at SiriusX?

Blockchain Development. The development of smart contracts, apps and websites are among my areas of responsibility. In addition, I am of course constantly involved with the latest market trends and innovations in the blockchain area. In close cooperation with my colleague Daniel Kirchgesner, I always work to accelerate the technical progress of SiriusX.

Why did you choose SiriusX FinTech as your employer?

The vision and the team were clearly the deciding factors!
I was clearly told what tasks I would have to take on here and what opportunities I would have. To realize myself in my work is very important to me. In addition, there is a huge feeling of togetherness in our team, you get a lot of appreciation and respect here. It is simply a lot of fun to be allowed to help here, to build up such a young company from the very beginning.

