Meet the team: Co-Founder & CFO Peter Metzler

2 min readNov 6, 2019


Short introduction and task at SiriusX

My name is Peter Metzler (22 y.) Together with my esteemed colleague Patrick Scheiter, I started the SiriusX FinTech project last year. From the very beginning it was clear to us that as equal partners we naturally make the most important decisions for the whole company together, but each of us also specializes in one area within the company. My work in the financial services sector as a banker provided me with a very good basis for my role as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). I am responsible for managing the company’s funds, accounting and financial planning.

How do you rate the teamwork?

The work processes run absolutely smoothly. Together with Patrick Scheiter, we have managed to put together a competent and extremely committed team. Each member is responsible for a specific area and has already gained experience in his field through his previous career or education. But also character-wise I can only lose good about the individual team members. Each individual works purposefully, responsibly and wants to advance the company, which is why we, as managing directors, hold our employees in extreme esteem. Everyone here is incredibly important to successfully continue on the path we have already paved!

How do you see the future of SiriusX?

SiriusX, as a company that relies on blockchain technology, is definitely well prepared for the future! In my personal opinion, it will be essential for most companies to deal with blockchain in the future in order to be or remain competitive. With experts in this field in our own ranks, we are well prepared.

Closing words

I would like to thank my outstanding team for the cooperation so far and look forward to the future with full anticipation and confidence! We have already created great things here and would like to give the world the opportunity to participate in them.

