Meet the team: Co-Founder & COO Patrick Scheiter

3 min readOct 25, 2019


What does SiriusX mean and what is behind it?

“About the name: Sirius (A) is considered the brightest star in the night sky. It belongs to the young star system, as we — SiriusX FinTech — are in the corporate world. At the same time, we created our company logo with the star, which represents an ‘X’ in writing, but is also a multiplier for the countless opportunities and offers of the SiriusX project. SiriusX will simplify the worldwide travel offer. The goal will be to integrate every service that belongs to the tourism industry on our platform, so that the entire offer can be obtained through only one application. We want to provide travel enthusiasts with many advantages through this system, make it easier for several people to access global tourism and convey cryptographic content to more people through our payment method.”.

How was the work on the SiriusX project over the last few months?

I had a lot of fun working on the SiriusX project, despite periods when it was a little more stressful. It was and still is an exciting and interesting project with big differences to other projects I had worked on before. Every step is thought through to the smallest detail, long-term and sustainable planning plays an important role, the team stands 100% behind the project and every sense of achievement and every milestone we reach for our community will be a big reward for us.

“We believe in SiriusX and the opportunities it will give everyone.”

Why SiriusX and not an existing travel agency?

I’ve always wanted to see and participate in the launch of a young company, but since there is little or nothing comparable, I decided to start SiriusX with a long-standing colleague and a very dedicated and strong team.
My qualifications and experience are strongly linked to the financial world and with SiriusX we have developed our own new concept for globally applicable payment options for travelers, which does not yet exist in this diversity. In my opinion, the integrated social network and the SiriusX payment card are good features to provide every user with a better travel experience (in all age groups) and, of course, the simplification to enthuse a larger target group for the topic of cryptography.

What are your final words?

First of all I would like to thank everyone, no matter if they invest in SiriusX or not, for dealing with the project and informing themselves. Thanks to everyone who believes in the SiriusX project and will participate in our sale. But the best way, if I may now speak for the entire SiriusX team, to show our gratitude, will be to offer the platform in exactly the form we want it to be. We will do everything in our power to deliver all planned services. (The entire platform (travel agency & social network), app and SiriusX payment card)

