Meet the team: Software Engineer & CIO Daniel Kirchgesner

2 min readNov 15, 2019


Short Introduction:

I am Daniel Kirchgesner, 22 years old and software developer at SiriusX FinTech. For me it was a big and uncertain step after completing my Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering at Heilbronn University not to take the usual step of selecting a large company that had proven itself for many years and to gain professional experience with it. Instead, I decided to take this opportunity here, which is why I’m doing this interview now. My long-time buddy Peter Metzler contacted me over a year ago with the idea for SiriusX, which he developed together with Patrick Scheiter, and asked me for technical support. Convinced of the concept, I started creating the website during my studies and have been an integral part of the team ever since.

What does your support look like in concrete terms?

My tasks are planning, creating and managing websites and apps. I am responsible for the operation and maintenance of the products as well as for quality assurance. System tests are carried out under my direction, the results are evaluated and documented accordingly and decisions are derived from them.

How do you judge your career decision in retrospect?

How successful the project will actually be can be seen in the coming months during the ICO, but above all in the long term over the next few years. It takes a lot of public relations work to bring the project to the people, the foundation is set with a functional product with unbelievable potential. Working in this small but incredibly harmonious team structure has given me a lot of pleasure and shown me what you can do in a year. I’m looking forward to both the near and distant future with SiriusX and am excited to see what challenges our young team can grow with.

