Meet the Team- Melissa

Sir Kensington's
2 min readOct 18, 2018


Meet the magical Melissa! She manages the sales and channel strategy for our Natural and Specialty customers nationwide, making it possible for you to pick up our products in stores like Whole Foods, Sprouts, and your local food co-op. Although every day is different for her — from flying across the country to meet with a buyer to analyzing sales data in the office — the one thing that remains the same is her positive spirit. We are so lucky to have her!

What condiment do you most identify with?
I think I have to say Spicy Brown Mustard. A lot going on at once, but I still finds a way to stay balanced.

What are some of the things you love most about your job?
The best part of my job is the smart, compassionate, hilarious people I get to work with every day. I always feel refreshed by being with the team after long periods of travel. Our Sales Team is especially close knit and supportive, and we find ways to balance hard work with enjoying each other’s company. I also love working with our Natural customers, who have been the biggest champions of our brand since the very beginning. Healthy living is important to me, and it’s a joy to partner with retailers who are so committed to environmental sustainability and empowering people to make healthier food choices.

What is a fun fact about yourself?
I’m a certified yoga teacher! It’s a really important part of my life. Being calm doesn’t come naturally to me, but yoga has given me some amazing tools. Finding ways to keep it cool in chaos is especially important in New York City. Meditating on the subway is how I stay sane!

How has working at Sir Kensington’s changed the way you think about food?
Working at Sir Kensington’s has opened up my eyes to just how many steps and decisions go into bringing a food product to life. Our team puts so much care into everything they do, from creating recipes, to sourcing, to packaging, to photography and design. Seeing our brand and our products come to life from the inside has given me a deeper appreciation for the work behind the products I buy and the foods that I eat.

