Sirr Edwins
6 min readMay 13, 2019


Nursing Theorist


This theory involve the restoration of usual health status of nurses’ patients in healthcare delivery which is applicable up to date. Source of the theory include education, literature, religious beliefs, intellectuals and utilization of empirical evidence. The theory beliefs that healthy environment is crucial for proper nursing care. Nightingale in her theory focused on five major element of a healthy environment including provision of pure water and air, efficient training, cleanliness and light.

3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice

i. Cleanliness and sanitation- dirty environment is the source of infection

ii. On the architectural aspect of the hospital, the proper ventilation applies.

iii. Theoretical aspect of prevention of interruption applies to reparative patient’s process.

3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory

i. The theory enables the nursing care to use principles of confidentiality, professional relationship and care for the poor to enhance social and health conditions of the patients.

ii. Theory enhances interpersonal relationship in nursing caring behavior as it portrays nurses as moral agents.

iii. Theory enables the nurses to configure external factors linked with the patient’s environment.

3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory

The theory of environment is beneficial in

i. Disease control

ii. Waste disposal

iii. Noise management

Two barriers to using the theory in practice and at least one method for overcoming each barrier

Water pollution and poor air quality remain to be the greatest barriers to nightingale theory. In order to curb the barriers the nations should focus on improving access to safe and adequate drinking water and reducing the level of greenhouse gas emissions using clean energy source such as wind.


This theory was proposed in 1968 by Dorothy Johnson. The theory advocates for promotion of effective and efficient behavioral functioning of the clients to curb illness. The theory was derived from the philosophical ideas, research theory, discussion, writings and her clinical background. It was influenced by systems theory, Nightingale and Developmental theory. Theory has 7 subsystems them achievement subsystem, elimination subsystem, sexual subsystem, aggressive subsystem, ingestive subsystem and affliative subsystem.

3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice


3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory

i. Theory acts as a tool to enhance patients or behavior of individual during stress.


3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory

i. Johnson’s theory contributed much t nursing professional.


Two barriers to using the theory in practice and at least one method for overcoming each barrier


This is the theory that was postulated by Martha Rodgers in 1990. The theory is comprised of four concepts including energy field, pattern, openness and pan dimensionality. It also has three major principles including homeodynamic, resonance, delicacy and integrity.

3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice

i. Theory is applied in addressing the increasing challenge in nursing burnout.

ii. Applied in the nursing process of pattern manifestation and knowing appreciation.

iii. Applied in voluntary mutual patterning

3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory

i. Reduces the rates of mortality and morbidity in a clinical set up.

ii. The theory through its step allows self-reflection for patients.

iii. It also enables the evaluation, identification of dissonance and harmony among patients.

3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory

i. Theory can be source of nursing motivation especially those who face burnout.


This model postulate that the primary role of nursing is to assist the individual to adjust to changes in self-concepts, physiological needs and interdependent relations. Views the individual as an adaptive system their environment and health. The model was sourced from research and has been used over the years to postulate nurse’s research, practice and education.

3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice

i. Applied in the coronary care unit

ii. Applied in cancer patients

iii. Applied in adult hemodialysis patients

3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory

3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory

i. Enables the nurses to concentrate on nursing role and their application

ii. Makes patient care to be procedural, purposeful, effective and controlled.

iii. Assist the nurses to organize daily tasks and offers them with an opportunity to provide high quality care with less efforts.

Two barriers to using the theory in practice


Watson theory of human caring tries to describe the results of nursing activity in terms of humanistic realm of life. The theory is most based in the values such as concern and love for other individuals, kindness and honour for the personal spiritual dimension. The theory is composed of three major concepts of caring including caring moment, carative factors and transpersonal caring relationship

3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice

i. The carrative factors is used all over the hospital to offer a framework for nursing activities in hospital.


3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory

i. Patients enjoy a better healing environment as the theory enhances and nurtures nurses’ caregivers’ role.

ii. The theory translocate nurses from performing tasks to caring human and hence improved patients’ outcomes.


3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory

i. Nurses maintain high levels of job satisfaction,

ii. Retention rates are increased due to positive interpersonal relationship

iii. It explicitly describes the relationship between nursing and caring.


This theory postulated by Parse was influenced by Martha Rodgers Unitary of Human beings theory and the existential phenomenology.

3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice

i. Applied in advanced practice clinics and hospital units


3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory

i. Few patient complaining about quality of care

ii. Enhances patient testimonial, and offers information relevant to the patient.

iii. Patients have sufficient knowledge of their own body.

3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory

i. It illuminates patient’s choices and addresses noncompliance, thus nurses become more compassionate, reverence and more joyful in their job.

ii. Enables the nurses to respect freedom when making choices in relation to quality of life

iii. Enables the nurses to bear witness to individuals changing health patterns

Barriers to Using the Theory


This is the nursing theory that was established by Hellen Erickson, Swain and Tomlin and published in the year 1983. These theory enhances nurses to care for their patients and nurture them with awareness and respect for difference in individualism. The theory posits that people are similar due to basic needs, holism, affiliated- individuation and the growth and development over life time and people are different due to adaptation, self-care and adaptation potential.

3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice

i. Facilitation- the nurse helps the patient take steps toward health, including providing necessary resources and information

ii. Nurturance — the nurse provides care and comfort to the patient

iii. Unconditional acceptance- nurse accepts each patient just as he or she is without any conditions.

3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory

i. Empowers the patient to grow and heal

ii. The patients have the potential and knowledge to comprehend what has made them sick.

iii. The theory makes nurses to nurture and care for every patient with prior knowledge of and respect to individual’s differences.

3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory

  • The nurses use this theory to come up with an image or reflection and understanding of the patient’s world from the patient’s point of view.
  • From the theory’s interventions, positive patient’s orientation is enhanced.
  • From the theory’s interventions it possible to promote patients control and set mutual health goals.

Two barriers to using the theory in practice and at least one method for overcoming each barrier

