Photo by Ash from Pexels

Not just full-stack. Multi-stack.

Tim Bendt
1 min readMay 15, 2018


As a freelance designer who develops — I find myself having to cross multiple stacks and design and build products across many disciplines, apps, architectures and languages.

So, here are some of the web app “stacks” I’ve worked in over the past 2 years.

#1 The Enterprise

  • MS SQL Server
  • Windows
  • ASP.Net 4x
  • jQuery + Backbone
  • SCSS

#2 The Small Startup Team

  • Ruby on Rails
  • SublimeText
  • LESS
  • Bootstrap
  • Sketch

#3 The Large Startup Team

  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • Styleguidist
  • Affinity Designer

#4 Experiments

  • CouchDB
  • Node + Express
  • Auth0
  • Vue.js
  • Element UI
  • VS Code

# 5 New Experiments

#6 The Sprawl

  • Ruby on Rails
  • RubyMine IDE
  • Docker
  • Figma
  • Sketch
  • SCSS + Bootstrap
  • JQuery + Vue

#7 Fast and Cheap

  • MySQL
  • PHP Laravel
  • Vue
  • Photoshop

#8 UX This Thing

  • Sketch
  • Adobe XD

#9 The New Wordpress

  • Contently
  • Netlify
  • Nuxt.js Static Site Generation



Tim Bendt

Senior Software Engineer at Invisible Technologies, UX Design, Front-end developer, and world-travelling toddler-wrangler.