How SISA does creates value to the ecosystem and differs from competing projects ?

2 min readOct 14, 2017


In any business sphere innovation is the only true way to create value. The goal of every business is to confront the markets; any firm at the mercy of the supply and demand will find itself unable to make profits. That leaves entrepreneurs with nothing but innovation, because other options are highly impractical and unfeasible in today’s business environment.

Innovation leads to constructive development and raises the productivity of both capital and labour. Some innovators use existing technologies to improve processes and some develop entirely modern technologies and reshape the world.

We belong to the first category; we are using the Ethereum blockchain technology to create a new process, in other words, a new tool to manage pool funds. With this innovation we planned to bring an unprecedented level of transparency, decentralisation and democracy into pool funds.

SISA tokens are considered as shares and token holders are our shareholders. These enable shareholders to receive quarterly dividends out of SISA’s profits and the Ethereum smart contact make sure nothing goes wrong in this process. DPF a tool through which we operate our fund empowers shareholders with a lot of previously unknown options. It permits project owners to pitch their projects for funding, of course these projects go through our scrutiny at backend, it offers project viability reports, an offers a direct communication line between shareholders and project owners, it facilitates shareholders to use their votes as per their discretion. All these put us at contrast among competitors in the market

We believe innovation is a continuous process, it’s is a continuous process of discovery, engineering and transformation, we will continue to find innovative ways to make this tool and platform and transform it into a sophisticated tool to operate pool funds.




A decentralized, Democratized and revolutionary pool fund