Risk It to Win It

Embracing Life’s Thrilling Game of Chance

Sisi Damayanty
5 min readJul 6, 2023
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

“You’re such a brave risk taker!”

Said a friend to me a few days ago on an Instagram message. When I first read it, I was like “Yeeeaaa.. I’m a boss bitch!”, but upon thinking about it further, I wonder if that’s the correct sentence to describe me.

Whenever I see the words “brave” and “risk” in the same sentence, the last thing I expect to see is my own cheeky, smiling selfie next to it. It defies logic on every level.

I don’t skydive — terrified of heights, I don’t dance with snakes — no, thanks, I don’t climb Mount Everest — but I do have a friend who did, and she’s a badass. That is the most adrenaline rush thing I’m willing to do, be friends with someone who has climbed Everest.

I mean, I’m fucking scared shitless of cockroaches, for heaven’s sake, along with everything else I got on my “All the things Sisi’s scared of” list — and it’s a long, neverending list.

I will admit, however, that I have taken more than my fair share of chances in my professional endeavors. And if that counts as “brave”, I guess I am, even though I still scream like a baby whenever I come across a live chicken.

Yes, Live chicken!!! Long story, don’t ask.

Anyway, I think since I was younger, I have always been a dive head first, think about what’s next later type of gal. Especially when it comes to jobs. This would create a lot of tension with the people around me, mostly for the classic reason of having a stable job and a steady income.

But for me, money is not my purpose. I’m not saying that I don’t want to be rich, but I’d rather have enough money working a job that serves my purpose than to swim in money but find myself endlessly complaining come Monday.

I refuse to be trapped in a comfort zone just for the sake of security, because I know I can be secure while doing something that’s fulfilling and eventually will be the source of my happiness.

True, the comfort zone — the land of predictable routines and lukewarm contentment — is cozy and safe. It’s like a fluffy blanket on a winter day. But it can also be troublesome. It begins when we let it morph into the mediocrity monster, chaining us to a life of unfulfilled dreams and “what ifs.”

I don’t know about you, but that’s not a life I want to live.

Now, let’s talk about why we fear taking risks. Is it because we’ve been conditioned to avoid failure at all costs? The fear of failing is so ingrained in us that we’d rather play it safe than risk looking like fools.

We’re scared — terrified, actually — of taking risks. Our minds conjure up images of epic failures, public embarrassment, and, worst of all, the awkward silence that follows after a joke that falls flat. But let’s flip the coin for a moment. What if we bet it all and win?

Here’s a little secret: I learned that failure is not the end of the world.

It’s more like a minor detour on the road to greatness. Remember the time you tried to ride a bike without training wheels for the first time? You fell and scraped your knee, but that didn’t stop you from getting back on that bike and trying again, right?!

With all that said, taking risks is not about being reckless or naive; it’s about making calculated moves. It’s like playing chess — thinking several moves ahead and anticipating your opponent’s next move.

The key is to weigh the potential rewards against the possible setbacks. Take that job you’ve been eyeing in a new city — sure, it might be scary to uproot your life, but think of the professional growth and the exciting adventures that await you.

Not trying to be a Debbie downer here, but let’s be real, we’re not always going to get it right on the first try. There will be setbacks, and there will be moments of doubt. Embrace those moments; they are the stepping stones to success.

I mean, look at Thomas Edison — he didn’t just invent the light bulb on the first try. No, it took him over a thousand attempts before he got it right. And when asked about his failures, he famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 1,000 ways that won’t work.”. What a champ!

The path to success is paved with failures, and each one brings you closer to your goals. So, don’t let fear hold you back from taking risks. It’s like waiting for the perfect wave at the beach — you’ll be waiting forever. Instead, catch that wave, even if it’s not perfect. Who knows, you might end up riding it like a pro or doing a spectacular wipeout that becomes the stuff of legends.

Also, imagine the sweet taste of success — however you want to define it. It’s like the combination of chocolate, ice cream, and unicorns all blended into one delectable treat. The feeling of accomplishment when you’ve conquered your fears and vanquished the mediocrity monster is unparalleled. It’s like winning the lottery, but without the paparazzi and the overwhelming urge to buy a llama ranch.

Taking risks isn’t just about achieving your goals; it’s about living life to the fullest. It’s about embracing the adventure and excitement that come with stepping out of your comfort zone. Imagine your life as a movie — do you want to be the main character who takes bold risks and has thrilling plot twists, or the extra in the background, blending into the scenery?

Remember that the most regrettable decisions in life are not the ones we made and failed at, but the ones we never took. It’s like going to an all-you-can-eat buffet and only sticking to the salad bar — what a waste of an opportunity!

Life is meant to be savored, tasted, and experienced to the fullest. So, dare to take risks, even if they scare you half to death. Jump into the pool of uncertainty, even if you can’t swim. Who knows, you might discover that you’re a natural-born swimmer, or at the very least, you’ll learn to float and have a great time doing it.

Life is an exhilarating rollercoaster of opportunities and risks. Embracing risks may be scary, but it’s the key to unlocking a happier, more fulfilling life. Don’t let fear keep you stuck in the comfort zone, suffocating under the weight of mediocrity.

Instead, let your inner maverick run wild, making calculated moves like a chess grandmaster. There will be failures along the way, but they are stepping stones to success.

So, grab life by the horns, take that leap of faith, and savor every moment of this thrilling game of chance. After all, you deserve to live life to the fullest, with a dash of spice, a sprinkle of wit, and a heart full of courage!

Cheers to embracing risks and winning the grand prize of a truly fulfilling life!

