Story of My Switch Career Journey (From Android Developer to Product Designer)

Sisillia Tri Cahyani
3 min readSep 28, 2022


Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

I switched my career 2 years after being accepted from my first job. I graduated from university with the major of informatics engineering in 2018. Actually, I had no idea about the type of job that I could carry out after graduation. I had knowledge about coding, but I did not want to be a programmer. I realized, the problem was that I had not carried out any research about the other jobs besides developer and engineer when I was in college.

I chose to be an Android Developer because I thought it was the only option that I had. Surprisingly, in my first job I found many people with informatics engineering majors did not work as engineers or developers. They work in other IT fields such as Business Analysts, Product Managers, UI/UX designers, Tech Talent Acquisition etc.

Lesson learned for this case: doing some research before make any decision in our life is very important

Then what things I did to finally decided become a Product Designer?

#1 Ask myself what kind of job that I really want

I think of all steps that I write, this step is the most important. Because I didn’t want to get the wrong step (again). Besides asking myself about a job that I want, I also did some research. I read some articles on medium or watched some videos on youtube about any job that I feel interested in.

#2 Make a decision

After did various kinds of research about jobs in the IT field. I finally decided to become a UI/UX Designer, because I feel I didn’t leave behind my skill as an android dev and I think it will help me a lot when I need to communicate with developers about the design that I make.

#3 Join online bootcamp

Yes, I joined Bootcamp in the middle of 2020. Before I decided to resign from my latest job (with android developer job title) I joined Bootcamp, why? Because I want to learned more about UI/UX Design and convince myself that I will enjoy this role. And I think, it’s the best choice that I had. I learn so many things from there.

#4 Create Portfolio

Portfolio is important if we want to apply as a UI/UX Designer, it such a sample of our works and make recruiters know that we are capable in this role. But, don’t feel worry if you never working as UI/UX Designer, you can make you own! You can conduct personal research from any application in play store/appstore or website, then you can redesign it based on your research.

That was my journey and steps when I switched my career. If you want to switching you career too or start career on technology field, I just want to say “FIGHTING!” and don’t forget to research first about the scope of work or anything about your dream role.

