Signs and Symptoms of Early Pregnancy: A Complete Guide

3 min readSep 15, 2023
Pregnant women writing in a diary while lying on a couch

The road to pregnancy is one that is laced with expectation, excitement, and a little bit of uncertainty. You’re probably keeping a close eye out for any symptoms or indicators that might confirm your happy news if you think you might be pregnant or are actively trying to get pregnant.

There are several fascinating early indications and symptoms that could just give you a tempting insight into the amazing ride that lies ahead, even though there is no certain way to tell for sure until you take a pregnancy test.

Signs and Symptoms of Early Pregnancy

Missed Period:

Missing menstruation is among the most common signs of early pregnancy. If your monthly cycle runs like clockwork and suddenly Aunt Flo hasn’t shown up as usual, it’s time to think about the possibility that you could be pregnant. Of course, there may be other causes for missed period; therefore, a pregnancy test is necessary to determine whether you are indeed pregnant.

Uncomfortable breast changes:

A change in breast size is one of the earliest and most visible signs of pregnancy. At this point, there won’t be a significant shift, but you could notice that your bra seems a bit tighter than normal. Additionally, your breasts might feel a little uncomfortable or sensitive. Another typical indicator that might alert you is a change in the areola’s colour or the emergence of fine veining.

Nausea and morning sickness:

Early-morning nausea and vomiting are typical pregnancy symptoms. It might occur at any moment of the day, and its intensity could alter. It might be a clue that you’re carrying a tiny miracle inside you if you find yourself using the restroom more frequently than normal.

Mood Swings and Emotional Rollercoasters:

It’s possible to feel upset when you wake up, cry into your cornflakes immediately after, and then feel fine again by the time coffee arrives. No, you’re not going crazy; it’s your hormones, which are once again conducting a stealthy revolution in the early weeks of your pregnancy and unintentionally sending your emotions up and down. It’s merely a phase, so relax.

More frequent urination:

It’s not only in your head if you feel like you’re visiting the restroom more frequently than normal. Increased blood flow to your pelvic area during early pregnancy may cause you to feel as though you need to go frequently. Early in pregnancy, when the uterus grows and presses on the bladder, frequent urine production results. This frequently begins about week 6 and lasts the entire first trimester.

Food Cravings and Aversions

It may be a symptom of pregnancy if the thought of drinking your morning cup of coffee makes you sick to your stomach or if you find it difficult to consume the meals you usually like. Food cravings for novel and exotic meals are frequent during pregnancy, as are food aversions.

The bottom line -

All of the early pregnancy warning symptoms and signs may not be experienced by all women. If you suspect you might be pregnant, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to seek confirmation and guidance on prenatal care. Acting early and seeking medical advice will guarantee a positive start to your pregnancy experience.

If you need some realistic and helpful advice and someone to guide you through this life-changing journey, scroll up to Sistapedia — a community of wonderful, experienced experts who will guide you help you through-and-through this entire journey.

