The COMPLETE list of the greatest — and the not-so-great — Tarot Readers of youtube.

Sister Rosa
8 min readDec 6, 2017


Hours of tarot-viewing has made me an expert on the greatest Youtube tarot-readers of our time.

As a procrastination queen and a tarot-junkie, I have indulged so much in online tarot-readings that it almost makes me ashamed. Okay really, it has made me ashamed. Anyone who saw my youtube playlist would clearly think I’d gone batshit crazy. I listen to tarot readings when I do the dishes, when I cook, and when I just want to relax. Today, however, I’ve decided to shed the cape of shame and unabashedly stand for my addiction. Because who, better than me, has such in depth knowledge of the tarot readers on Youtube? I believe that I’ve gone through them all; the good, the bad and the ugly.

So here goes. This is my COMPLETE list of the greatest and the not-so-great tarot-readers of youtube. Mostly it’s about the greatest, though, since I don’t tend to stick watching the other ones.

By the way, if you find it to be not so complete, please let me know. I’m always on the lookout for my new tarot-fix. :)

The Champions

The Quietest Revolution

New Yorker Amber Khan is a fierce and fun reader.

About the Channel
Gemini Queen, yoga teacher and long-time tarot reader, Amber Khan’s youtube channel “the quietest revolution” was my first introduction to Youtube tarot readings. More than any other reader I’ve seen, Amber’s got this pop star quality to her, which seems to get a lot of people hooked to more than just the readings. On top of her deeply spiritual readings which often play upon themes of the mystical (in-depth analysis of different star signs superpowers and dark secrets, analogies to mythical tales and a playful back-and-forth between different languages and ideational worlds to prove her point) she also tends to experiment with dress and make up, like in this Halloween-dress up video for Pisces. She seems to have a highly personal relationship with each sign and doesn’t mind sharing these personal stories along the way.
Star sign:
Gemini Sun, Cancer Rising and Virgo Moon if I remember correctly.

Kayleigh Jean

Kayleigh Jean blesses her followers with a highly healing vibe.

About the Channel
Kayleigh Jean is one of the ‘softer’ tarot readers of Youtube, and with softer I mean that she’s got this soothing, healing vibe not only to her voice but to her entire being. She’s psychic and tends to take her due time with each sign, stepping cautiously through the messages she receives in deep waters. Kayleigh usually starts off her readings with a personal message that she’s received through meditation prior to recording, and her thing is to gently walk each sign through the hardships and victories of each month in a way that makes sure that each sign knows how to stay grounded through what’s to come. I recommend Kayleigh to anyone feeling a little down, confused, or who just wants someone to hold their hand through their spiritual journey in the months ahead.
Star sign:
Scorpio Sun, Virgo Rising.
The Wild Unknown.

Alchemy in You

Natalie of Alchemy in You’s tarot channel provides its viewers with medial stream-of-consciousness type of readings that give the impression of a modern oracle.

About the Channel
Natalie is a Pisces and highly intuitive, and so her readings tend to be this bric-a-brac of fast revelations and spoken-word-type of epiphanies that she delivers as fast as they come. I enjoy watching one of Natalie’s videos as I do something else, preferably something creative such as painting or cooking, since her quick and unstructured readings are not so much explanatory as they provide a sort of energetical pattern — not unlike a musical piece — where the differentiation of rhythm and intensity makes her perfect for an intuitive viewer who wants to focus on the bits and pieces that resonate and discard the ones that don’t. Natalie also has a few videos with general, channeled messages outside of her tarot readings, which are made in much the same style.
Star sign:
Pisces Sun
The Wild Unknown

Sister Rosa

Sister Rosa gives advice based on the big picture — ascension processes and kharmic growth.

About the Channel
My own tarot-channel, Sister Rosa Tarot, is relatively new to Youtube — relatively being the word as we now have readers popping on Youtube like mushrooms after rain. I am a Sister in the Sisters of the Valley, and I’ve now taken my sister-name with me from the order and into the public eye of Youtube. On the channel, Sister Rosa focuses on processes of spiritual ascension and the specific ways in which you can adapt to the times so as to acquire the deepest possible kharmic insights. This is not, in other words, a ‘he did, she did’-type of channel. You won’t find out who cheated or who lied. Rather, I want to take the gunk you find in your life and turn it in to a spiritual pellet of truth, to help you use your experiences as part of an ascension path.
Star sign:
Pisces Sun, Pisces Moon.
Rider-Waites, The Wild Unknown.

High Vibrations

Lisette of High Vibraitons

About the Channel
Lisette of High Vibrations provides practical, down to earth readings for those who are looking for answers to their every day concerns. Lisette, with a Taurus sun and moon, has this stable, grounded vibe about her, and so her readings often revolve around practical matters. This is the reader for people who’s looking for specific answers to specific questions, like does s/he really love me, or is this work situation good for me in the long run — you name it, she’ll give you the answer. For those interested, Lisette also offers tarot lessons via Skype.
Star sign:
Taurus Sun and Moon with Pisces Rising.
Unknown — if I’m not mistaken I believe she uses several.

Sarah Vrba

Sarah Vrba mixes a great deal of astrological knowledge with readings that follow the viewer through their spiritual and evolutional cycles, connecting her monthly readings to the bigger picture.

About the Channel
Sarah Vrba is the tarot reader for the individual who wants a little bit of everything; like Kayleigh she’s got a soft and loving type of vibe that gently follows her viewers through the month ahead, but she also mixes this with updates on the astrological happenings for each sign and how the current situation weaves into a bigger cycle of spiritual evolution. Sarah’s readings are easy to follow and usually on point, and she’s got a friendly and straight forward type of energy that makes being a fan of her’s an uncomplicated affair.
Star Sign:
Leo Sun

The Empress of Wands

Natasha of the Empress of Wands.

About the Channel
Natasha of the Empress of Wands is a funny figure; she comes off as this quirky Eastern European abuela (sauf for the fact that I actually don’t know where she’s from), part witch and part healer, and she herself contends that she’s a ‘past life regressionist’ who besides hypnosis also does tarot readings. Natasha combines an intense and mystical vibe with funny backdrops and explanations on how the current dealings of each sign relates back to their past lives and the reasons one is born in a certain sign to begin with. I used to think Natasha’s channel was seriously underrated, but it seems her viewing-count has upped a little bit as of late.
Star Sign:

The Runner-Ups

Nicholas Ashbaugh

Nicholas Ashbaugh is _extremely_ practical and down to earth in his readings.

About the Channel
I used to be a big fan of Nicholas’, but since I’m a bit out-there and his readings are real down to earth, I grew tired of his channel. However, if you are one of the few but golden people who’s squarely practical and down to earth but simultaneously enjoy tarot and astrology, you should check out Nicholas’ channel.

Nicholas usually gives advice on very specific matters such as does and don’ts for the month (do sign legal contracts, don’t overindulge in holiday food — that type of thing) as well as specific colors or messages to meditate on, as well as a short recap of the messages of the month at the end for the stressed out viewer who just wants to scroll.
Star Sign:
Different every time

Tyler’s Tarot

Tyler’s channel is extremely popular and usually deals with questions of relationship ties.

About the Channel
Tyler’s Tarot is that one of those channels that is always recommended to me but which I never really ‘get’. Tyler seems to know his cards in and out, and his is a very people centered approach; whenever he gets a card that for him represents a person, be it the Knight of Wands or the Empress, he literally takes it as a person which provides for readings which literally crawl with different people. Often when relationships tend to go awry in my life I find that Tyler is on point in his analysis of what’s going on in the individual relationship web. But his readings more often than not end up confusing me, as they tend to go

“there’s a third party involved here it, might be you or another person who’s not telling the truth, there’s a third person and then a fourth person involved who might be you or the other person and then a fifth…”

— well you get the hang of it. This sort of lingo leaves me feeling like I’m trying to solve a math puzzle. For the person interested in knowing whether their partner’s being unfaithful or that friend is talking shit behind your back, however, Tyler’s the perfect choice.
Star Sign:

The Ugly

The Chonga Girls

The Chonga Girls might not have made themselves known as the best tarot-readers, but they do make for amazeballs comedians.

About the Channel
The Chonga Girls video ASMR FORTUNE TELLER READING left me crying from laughter after the painful realization that I’ve got a tarot addiction (LOL). They might not make themselves known as the best tarot readers (“Look, I got the star, ‘coz I’m a star”, “Look I got the sun ’cause I’m like the sun and I always got the best energy”) but the certainly will make you laugh and release some of that hyper-charged mysticism tension that you might have built up from watching the billionz and trillionz of previous videos.
Star Sign:



Sister Rosa

Social Anthropologist. Sister in the Sisters of the Valley. Writer & Copywriter.