Hello, Sisu!

Sisu Sweets
1 min readMay 27, 2019


Hi, we are Sisu — two people passionate about making and eating delicious and healthy food. And desserts. Who am I kidding, especially desserts.

We are just starting out and will soon bring you exciting new stories about the different types of sweeteners, intricate details of chocolate, various types of packaging, and many more. For now though, let’s start with the name. Why Sisu?

Here’s what Wikipedia has to tell:

Sisu is a Finnish concept described as stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience,and hardiness and is held by Finns themselves to express their national character. It is generally considered not to have a literal equivalent in English.

In today’s society sugar is everywhere. No, really, it is everywhere (we’ll talk about it more later). As humans, we are evolutionary wired to crave sweets — after all it is the source of pure energy (give this a read if you haven’t already). As such, trying to resist the omnipresent sugar requires some serious mental strength and discipline, or, in other words sisu.

Besides that, one of us spent many years living in Finland and grew attached to the culture and the language ;)

It’s nice to meet you, and we’ll be seeing you soon!



Sisu Sweets

Delicious low carb desserts. Based out of Waterloo, Ontario.