My views of design and how to design

sithila waduge
5 min readDec 15, 2019


When things going on, species face problems and conflicts. By discovering new designs they overcome those problems and conflicts. Design is mainly defined as beautiful(better) solution for problems and conflicts. Some designs save time and make productive , some are make feel better. Beauty of solution depends on satisfaction and usability, who ever interact with those solutions. Great design needs to satisfy needs of users ( humans, animals, etc..).

Better solution always need to beauty and shaped.

Humans are more creative and faster than other species when it comes to design ( most of times )

Do you think every product is designed ?

This depends on how good that solution and how the beauty of it.

Every beautiful solution has story that makes better design. As a designer you need to go through user stories and understand it better before you start designing. Every successful design has a nice story.

Design Thinking

Most designers fallow Design thinking process when Design

This process helps to identify problems and giving solution. There are 5 elements but I have added a new element to my understanding.





(Built modal)


(Empathy, Define ,Ideate) - Identify problem

(Prototype, (Built modal), Test) — propose solution

I am not going to explain each process here. You can learn by reading a lot of articles about design thinking.

I think you are having problem now, where its User Experience involve in Design.

Whatever we design, its very important that for whom to we design. Thats where UX comes. Better UX, It shows how much satisfied user when interacting with your solution.

It’s not matter what process you follow, the main thing is create a better story. There is a common truth everyone know, people like to hear stories. Story can be good, truth lie or any but it should be interesting. Same applies for Design also , built an interesting story for your users to experience.

I am not going to describe more in here. I will get practical problem and try implement design here.

Think about 2 roads crossing junction, traffic issue for vehicles. same situation pedestrian crossing issue for people who walking.

graphic illustration of problem

Think about this problem

I will explain some stories.

  1. James is an office worker who start work 8.00am and finish work at 6.00pm.He is driving 10km from Road A and he met this junction , his office is situated mid of road C, 2 km pass the junction . Approximately he wait this traffic 30min average.
  2. Kalpa is shop owner he is coming from road B. his shop is mid of road C. he travel 3–4 times this way every day. He wasted 3 hours average every day.
  3. Nancy is a housewife , she takes her son to school every day. On average she wasted 1hour every day . she travelled from Road D and school is end of Road C.

( this is for little story but you have to collect lot of stories , more stories more successful solution )

I am going to start with design thinking process.


First i need to find whom i want to empathize

This time Users, stakeholders : Drivers, public transport users, pedestrians , business owners near. Etc…

How do i empathize:

I can interview them directly

Give them Personas to fill and collect them

I will share google sheet to fill some details( Personas online )

What i need to include in Personas Questions:

Name :




Are you travel public transport or private vehicle:

Vehicle type:

Workplace address:

Which road you mostly use:

For what reason you travel this junction mostly:

Are you travel this road daily:

How often you travel this root per day:

What are the problems you face when you travel this root:

How long average time you wait this junction traffic jam( travel once):

What time you pass this junction mostly ( rough time):

Any suggestions:

After i collect information , I have to analyze all info and want to make detail report.

Then comes define :

I have to clearly identify problem , problems. This time it will be more

Main problem is Time wasting

productivity down, people mental situation affected, Stress level goes up , accidents increased , policeman’s productive time waste,Pedestrians affected dangerous situation. Hard to manage emergency situations.

Then comes Ideation

I have more ideations

01. Main idea is having flyovers.

02. Underground pedestrian crossing area.

03. Color light system

04. Flyover with crossroads sub system


Prototype A
Prototype B

I have designed 2 prototypes but you can design more ( don’t try to make too many prototypes )

Hear you can built this as sample model and test .

When you test you try with more stories. You have to test with different people scenarios.

This is where you can do modifications according to User experiences.

In this prototype I have added underground pedestrian crossing tunnel . so in there we can introduce new User experiences. This will make your design more interesting.

You can introduce parking facility and public transport access facility, that will be an improvement to User experiences. You can give access to more user audiences by introducing some spacing to business people who access this design by adding business space( shopping )

You can Do AB testing with what this prototypes. According to your test results you can improve and built this design.

Design is never end it always updates with changes . according to your user wants and needs changes, you have to improve your design. User satisfaction is changing time to time audience to audience.

There is no perfect design Forever. remember it, when you design. You can not satisfy all of audiences by your design , you are not ice cream seller to make all the people happy. This is apply designing also. Try to understand your target user audience properly. Always make it narrow, that will easy for you to design. Keep it mind “design is beautiful solution”.

