Who are we, What we done, What is happening, are there any solutions?

sithila waduge
6 min readJun 5, 2020


evolution of humans

As we all know, we are Humans. I would like to start with the evolution of Humans ( Humankind ), Sapiens.

There were humans a long time before. There was history. Animals much like modern Humans. But countless generations they did not stand out from the myriad other organisms with which they shared their habitats.

Species that evolved from a common ancestor are bunched together under the heading ‘ Genus’ Lions tigers, leopards ,Jaguars are Species within the genus Panthera.

We are Members of a large and particularly noisy family called great apes.our closest relatives chimpanzees and gorillas and Orangutan .Millions of years ago a single female ape had two daughters one became the ancestor of all chimpanzees the other is our own grandmother.

We have brothers in the Homo family Neanderthal , Homo Erectus ( working man ) and more.

Scientists believe Neanderthals, Denisovans species don’t merge with sapeans, other species vanished apart of time. There are more reasons , some believe fights, wars.Homo sapiens stay and they become the species who spread around the world.

Sapiens species are good explorers ,they spreaded throughout the world.

Appearance of new ways of thinking and communicating constitutes the cognitive revolution. We call it the Tree of knowledge mutation . new sapiens language that enables us to conquer the world.

Then time comes to the exploration and innovation era. Language and communication help them to share their knowledge and experience. they found fire in their earlier stage so they share ways of creating fire and etc. language enable them to find more explorations eg : Hunting Equipment development , know about danger, weather, cooking methods, eating habits, ways of hunting cooperation and doing things together. Fire creates significant change in eating habits of sapiens. When sapiens continued exploration and innovation habits they found ways to do their things easy and faster.

Thats where the agricultural revolution states. They have enough time for that. They start animal farming for food and cultivation food.

They invent more and more things this is called Knowledge Revolution.when people find easy ways to find food and safety they have more time to think more and more explorations. They built big pyramids , Structures and they built machinery . At the same time they built different cultures.

Agricultural revolution let them exchange what they cultivated. When Hunters have exceeded meat , farmers have excess production they shared. They shared goods and services through an economy of favours and obligations. A piece of meat given for free medical assistance.

When the rise of cities and kingdoms this exchange changed to money.

Money was created in many places. Its development required no technological breakthrough. It was a purely mental revolution. It involved the creation of a new intersubjective reality that exists solely in people’s imagination.

Money is not coins and banknotes . it is anything that people are willing to use for the purpose of exchanging goods and services.

Money is not mental reality , its psychological construct. It works by converting matter into mind.. But the way people trust money, and money succeed as exchange. It’s all about collective imagination. Money is the most universal and most efficient system of mental trust ever devised.

Money becomes wealth and people use it to collect wealth.

They build empires in history with wealth. Empire has been the most common form of political organisation. The Empire is also a very stable form of government.

The 21st century unfolds nationalism is the fast losing ground. More people believe that all humankind is a legitimate source of political authority, rather than the members of a particular nationality. It’s the imperial vision of dominion over the entire world could be imminent .

The agricultural revolution seems to have been accompanied by a religious revolution.

Based on superhuman order, religion established norms and values that it considers binding.

They started to believe gods, they began to believe that their God was the only God.

The truth is all the religions they all focus on a belief in God and other supernatural entities.

The next revolution is the Scientific revolution .

During the last five centuries humans increasingly come to believe that they could increase their capabilities by investing in scientific research.

Why did modern humans develop a growing belief in their ability to obtain new powers through scientific research? What is the bond between Science, politics , and economy?

I’ll keep space for you to breathe and think about reasons for these …………………………..

Next I would like to talk about Capitalism

Money becomes essential for both building empires, and scientific development.

It is not easy to grasp the true role of economics in modern history.

Whole volumes have been written about how money founded states and ruined them, opened new horizons and enslaved millions, moved the wheels of industry and drove hundreds of species into extinction. Yet to understand modern economic history , you need to understand the word is growth.the modern economy has been growing like a hormone-soused teenager . It eats everything it can find and puts on inches taster than you count.

In 1500 = global production of goods and services $250 billions

Today = $60 trillion.

According to financial investigation there is the actual wealth is not the wealth you can expend in the modern world.

Current US banks law permits banks to do transactions seven times of their actual wealth.

This is common to all countries.

This is the modern day crisis of capitalism.

Over 500 years the idea of progress convinced people to put more trust in the future . This trust created credit, credit brought real economic growth: and growth strengthened the trust in the future and opened the way for even more credit. Today there is so much credit in the world that governments, business corporations, and individuals easily obtain large amounts of loans that far exceed current income.

People think about the economy as a win-win situation in which my profits also need to match with your profit., but increasing in your slice depends upon the increase of my slice.people become rich not by despoiling their neighbours, but by increasing the overall size of the pie. And when pie grows everyone benefits . The rich are accordingly the most useful and benevolent people in society.

In the modern capitalist society, the first and most sacred commandment is “ the profit of production must be reinvested in increasing production” that is why it’s called “ Capitalism” .

Capitalism distinguishes guishes ‘capital’ from more ‘wealth’.

Breath and think ……………………………….

To think?

Economic pie grows independently? Every pie requires raw materials and energy . sooner or later homo sapiens will exhaust the raw materials and energy of earth. And what will happen then.

Last think i like to talk Life, happiness

Modern world Science and Industrial revolution gave humankind superhuman powers and practically limitless energy. The social order has been completely transformed, as have politics, daily life and human psychology. But are we happier ? are you happy ?

Cognitive revolution made the world a better place to live ? Does Neil Armstrong’s footprint remains on the windless moon. Are you happier than the hunters who lived in caves 30,000 years ago? If not what was the point of developing agriculture, cities, writing, empires, Iphones, computers.

Counting happiness

If people are richer and healthier then people must be happier. Do you believe it ?

In recent decades of time psychologists and biologists have researched what really makes people be happy.

There are more researches done about happiness.

One research done by Deniel Kahneman.

He tries to evaluate how people enjoy typical works of the day. He found most people dislike what they do during the day’s work. Most parents telling children are the chief source of happiness. Does that mean that people don’t really know what’s good for them?

Happiness is not a surplus of pleasant over unpleasant moments.

Does happiness depend on self-delusion?. I believe it’s related to the meaningfulness of your life.

Listen to yourself you will find it.

Breath and think ………………

Biggest problem I have found End

As we all know( Homo sapiens ) we are the most powerful self made God on earth .We are consequently wreaking havoc on our fellow animals and on the surrounding ecosystem. Seeking little more than our own comfort and amusement, yet never finding satisfaction.

Is there anything more dangerous than dissatisfied and irresponsible gods who don’t know what they want ?

Solutions part i will keep you to suggest. I can suggest a solution but, I will keep as personal for now.

Most of ideas and thoughts i copied from book “ Sapiens A brief history of Humankind by Noah Harari “ thanks lot

