Create FTPS server on Windows Server IIS in 5 minutes - sithum devopsThis allows multiple users to access their own directory but not other directories. I’m creating this on AWS but you can create in any cl…Feb 12, 20203Feb 12, 20203
Connect Linux and Windows environments, transfer files and more all in one - MobaXterm - sithum…SSH to Linux and Remote connect to Windows, transfer files fast and almost all remote environment management features in one tool.Jan 30, 20191Jan 30, 20191
Published inAVM Consulting BlogAutomate static website deployment from Github to S3 using AWS CodePipeline - sithum devopsAutomatically deploy changes made to the GitHub repository of the static website to AWS S3. The change you make will be instantly…Jan 23, 20196Jan 23, 20196
Automate everything with scripts - sithum devopsIntegrate bash and batch scripts in windows or Linux. Automate repeated git, docker, GitHub, AWS and other actions. Scripting is really…Jan 15, 2019Jan 15, 2019
Cmder - The best way to run Linux, Shell, Bash commands and scripts in windows - sithum devopsSSH into linux, Run sh scripts in windows. Run commands like ls, grep, rm -rf commands which 20x faster than windows and much more Linux…Jan 10, 2019Jan 10, 2019
Schedule servers, backup and automate cloud tasks with Skeddly to reduce cost - sithum devopsAWS doesn’t have a feature to schedule power on or off instances. This tool is for that. This can also automate your AMI creation and…Jan 8, 2019Jan 8, 2019
Fast SSH to multiple environments and managing your list of servers easily -When working with multiple Linux servers, keeping the list of IP addresses and key files secure is a headache. This way you can organize…Dec 19, 2018Dec 19, 2018
Published inAVM Consulting BlogHost your static website in AWS under 2 minutes with S3 - sithum devopsThe easiest way to host static websites on a domain. This will cost only a few cents per month. You can use this method to host API…Dec 14, 20181Dec 14, 20181
Portainer to manage Docker containers in AWS ECS Cluster Instances - sithum devopsIf you ssh your EC2 instance to view logs, monitor running tasks or manage containers, this is a GUI tool that you don’t need ssh at all.Dec 14, 20182Dec 14, 20182
Billing alarms for AWS account. Cost management with budgets - sithum devopsKnow your AWS costs before the bill comes to your email next month.Dec 13, 2018Dec 13, 2018