Java Journeys : Variables

Ritu Sitlani
Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2024

What are Variables ?

Variables are like storage units in a java program and are used to store different kinds of data like numbers (integers, decimals), characters (letters), boolean values(true/false) and references to objects.

source : GIPHY

Declaring Variables

Declaring a variable in java means specifying its data type and name.

public class variables {
public static void main(String[] args) {

//Declaring variables
int count;

We’re simply informing the compiler that a variable with a certain name and type exists. However, declaring a variable doesn’t allocate any value.

Variable Initialization

Initialization is the process of assigning an initial value to a variable. Creating a variable involves both declaring it and allocating memory for it, possibly initializing it with a value.

public class variables {
public static void main(String[] args) {

//Intializing variables
int count = 100;

Naming Rules

Naming rules for variables contribute to the overall quality, readability, and maintainability of software code.

1. Must start with a letter(a-z,A-Z), underscore(_) or dollar sign($).

2. Case Sensitive : Uppercase & lowercase letters are considered different.

3. Java Keywords cannot be used : (int, double, if, else etc can’t be used).

4. Following the first character, variable names can include letters, digits (0–9), underscores, and ($).43

Variable Types

Primitive Variable Type

Primitive variables store simple values directly in memory. They represent basic data types in Java.

public class variables {
public static void main(String[] args) {

//Primitive Variable types
int num = 100;
double salary = 100.5;
char grade = 'A';
boolean isBool = true;


Reference Variable Type

Reference variables store memory addresses (references) of objects.

public class variables {
public static void main(String[] args) {

//declare reference variable to type String
String name;

//Assign a string object to reference variable
name = "Test";


In above example:

  • We declare a reference variable named name of type String.
  • We assign the String object "Test" to the reference variable name.


To sum up the above, Variables act as containers for storing and managing data within a program. They are categorized into two primary types: primitive types, responsible for directly holding basic values, and reference types, which store memory references to objects.

Thankyou and Happy Coding !! 😊



Ritu Sitlani

Hi, I'm an Engineer sharing insights on software testing and Java - Learning along the way!