Why I started writing

Sivabalan T
3 min readJun 28, 2019


With my writing challenge ending today, I wanted to share my learnings in this journey. It was a 100 hundred day challenge during which time I managed to write 45 blogs, which I feel is not a bad number. But if I am given another chance to take part in it I would definitely crack it by writing 100 blogs. That being said, I have challenged myself to see if can write 365 blogs before ending this year.

365 seems a very big number, especially with almost half the year gone by. I have to compensate for these missed days and also plan for the upcoming days. It is an ambitious goal, and that’s why I decided to challenge myself.

To be very honest I took this challenge just to see how I’d perform and also to learn the basics of writing. I honestly didn’t think that I would even write 1 blog which others would read. But as the session started, the inputs are given motivated and pushed me to start writing. I have always thought about so many things, especially those that bring changes in society or among people, but I hadn’t shared it with anyone.

I am also someone who never tried to write anything even in my school or college days other than filling the exam papers, that too with my own stories! But now I feel good about myself and I started gaining confidence that even I can write, maybe not on all the topics, but at least on those that I think about. And the best part was getting to know new people and having some of my friends follow my blogs and share their feedback. Over the last 3 months, other than writing, I don’t think I have spent much time on anything else, even on the things which I was really passionate about.

365 Challenge

The biggest reason to take up this challenge is to keep improving myself as this is always a learning irrespective of how much I am going to write. This would also give me an opportunity to give life to whatever I have in mind — sometimes I think of some intense topics and writing it down gives an opportunity to discuss it with others to get more clarity. This also gives a reason to think about more topics and that’s something which will help me learn new things as well.

Actual Challenge

Having been part of this 100-day challenge and after writing a few blogs myself, I strongly feel that writing is not the real challenge. Rather, it is making time for writing that is the only challenge, because once you start writing it cannot be stopped and I have learned this from my own journey of writing.

End of 100-day Challenge

This 100-day writing challenge may end today, but my writing most definitely is not. This has become my new interest now and hopefully, I will work on it to make it my passion. I aim to see myself as a better writer and that’s the reason I want to challenge myself in writing 365 blogs. I want to see the difference between my 1st and my 365th blog and hopefully, it will be something I will be extremely proud of — both in terms of effort and growth in my skill set.

It wouldn’t be good if I end up this journey without thanking Neil, Abhishek, Susan, Shivashankari, Bhavani, Steffi and Jeremy without you guys my writing would never have been completed. Here’s to writing much more, making new friends and seeing myself as a better writer!

