Sivagandhan Jeyakkodi
3 min readMar 17, 2024

Kubernetes certifications — Is it really worth ?

If you are planning to gain more knowledge on Kubernetes or start your career in Kubernetes, obtaining the Kubernetes certification can significantly aid you in achieving that goal. Additionally, pursuing the certification will provide you with extensive insights into Kubernetes.

I am going to share my learning and experience of achieving the Kubernetes trifecta.

Coming from a background in Linux and Networking, with a basic understanding of Docker, I found it relatively easy to delve into the world of Kubernetes.

In 2018, there were two main certifications available for Kubernetes: CKA and CKAD. CKA focuses on administering the cluster, while CKAD centers around understanding Kubernetes default resources.

Initially, I didn't have a specific plan regarding which certification to pursue first. Instead, I started by familiarizing myself with Kubernetes architecture. I found a few resources particularly helpful during this phase:

Subsequently, I dove in and set up 'Kubernetes the Hard Way' on Google Cloud.

I proceeded to set up a Kubeadm cluster locally on virtual machines using VirtualBox.

Following the tasks from the official documentation, I engaged in various exercises to practice setting up Deployments, Statefulset, Services, Configmaps, and Secrets, using examples provided.

On the side, I also delved into the book "Kubernetes in Action," which provided comprehensive explanations of concepts along with practical examples.

Once I grasped all the concepts of Kubernetes, I made the decision to pursue the CKAD exam. During my preparation, I found the GitHub repository extremely useful.

Additionally, it's worth noting that during the exam, candidates are permitted to refer to the Kubernetes official documentation. After a month of rigorous practice, I sat for the exam and successfully attained the CKAD badge.

During the following months, I was occupied with work, gaining hands-on experience with Kubernetes in a production environment. As I became more adept at setting up clusters and managing Kubernetes in real-world scenarios, I decided to pursue the CKA exam.

With increased experience in utilizing kubectl commands and drawing insights from the "Kubernetes in Action" book, I dedicated several weeks to practicing with my local cluster using Kubeadm. In 2019, I took the CKA exam and successfully obtained the CKA badge.

For my CKA and CKAD exam preparation, I extensively practiced various scenarios using my local Kubeadm cluster. This hands-on experience allowed me to become familiar with kubectl commands and adept at quickly locating information in the official Kubernetes documentation.

In 2020, another Kubernetes certification, CKSS, was introduced, with a primary focus on security aspects. I decided to pursue this certification as well. The CKSS exam emphasizes utilizing open-source tools such as Kubebench and Trivy, along with implementing cluster hardening practices.

For preparation, I enrolled in a course on Udemy and dedicated one month to studying and practicing. Currently that course is also now available in YouTube. In 2021, I took the CKSS exam and successfully earned the badge.

Kubernetes Trifecta

My takeaways:

  • Don’t pursue the certificate solely to pass the exam; it’s okay if you fail initially as it provides an opportunity for further learning. For Kubernetes certifications, you also have the benefit of a free retake exam if you don’t succeed on your first attempt.
  • Having Kubernetes certifications in your portfolio can open doors and help you stand out from the crowd, especially during the initial screening for job interviews.
  • Keeping up with Kubernetes is crucial since it’s always evolving with new features. That’s why I made it a goal to earn one certification per year. This approach has not only helped me stay current but has also propelled my career forward.

This is my short story about achieving the Kubernetes trifecta, which I found to be really worthwhile in my case. If you are trying to build up your career in container and cloud, it is really a smart investment in my opinion.

If you have any feedback, please share it in the comment section. You can also connect with me on Twitter.

Cheers !!