How I earned 60K+ from private program

Siva Krishna Samireddi
4 min readApr 25, 2018


Hey there!

I am not a security researcher that you often come across in the security community. I am Siva. Like every bug hunter I began my journey by reading security write ups, books and hackerone reports. After doing all that I still can’t find a good bug in websites. Like how you search subdomains, I started searching for bug bounty programs that aren’t on hackerone or atleast not in the eyes of community.

intext:”Responsible Disclosure Policy”

Results came up and I found a lot of them are on H1 already. And finally choosen a Indian (❤) company as a target. Assume it as since they told me not to disclose the bugs publicly.

Though I found multiple bugs. I am not interested in usual bugs. I will be sharing only special ones.

  1. consists of a number of apps running in various sub-domains and it uses Oauth2 to implement authentication to all those apps. You know what anyone does when there is a oauth2. Replaced redirect_uri with and result is “The redirect_uri is not registered with client”. So while I was looking at burp logs.

Usual oauth authorisation endpoint was like

To my wonder I found another end point in burp log related to oauth2. It is like

Changed the redirect_uri and this time it worked. I reported it immediately and got a quick response from the team.

The next day I was awarded some 13k. Got first bounty ❤ . [Remeber how you felt when you got your first one.]

Out of excitement I fired burp suite again. Found an XSS again [Keep a note of this ] . Reported.

2. Subdomain Takeover:


searched and got a list of subdomains. I checked for alias of all subdomains and found a subdomain pointing which was an expired domain. There is an email on the main page saying contact to buy.

Okay! I sent a mail to that guy asking the price of the and he was like :

“ Man! I had breakup with my girl and I need a ring to give her and get her back in my life! How much can you give?”

I reported this to the program and they credited some more amount in my account.

3. XSS filter Bypass:

This is my great finding *Appreciating myself* . So there is sub-domain that is reflecting any parameters on the page. Okay! Injected some HTML content. Got rendered on the page. Inserted some javascript into the param. Got this

Response. Btw it’s not :P

Okay! Deduction! It’s using Akamai WAF. Couldn’t find any bypasses relevant to my case. So I am checking different vectors. After trying different vectors I got some conclusions. The vector I use should not contain

  • Keywords : Javascript,alert,confirm,prompt,event handlers.
  • No parentheses.
  • No native method calling like document.cookie()

After some research over the internet, I found a way to bypass this case. The following vector does the bypass work. If you came across akamai WAF, may the following vector bypasses it.

<object onafterscriptexecute={window[‘location’]=”//”%2bdocument[‘cookie’]}>

This allows cookie stealing directly, it’s not just a simple alert(1). I would suggest you to use this kind of POC.

Reported this and got bucks for this as well.

4. HPP account takeover

If you don’t know what HTTP parameter pollution is, Check it out here at OWASP. OWASP is really a best place to learn about all kinds of attacks possible on web applications. [ Go right now if your are new to this ].

Coming to the bug I found. One of the sub-domain hosts a application that has retail user panel. All retail users can login over there and do stuff. I created account on it and before logging in, I wanted to test the forgot password functionality. :P

I turned on burp intercept mode to tamper data. What anyone will test with forgot password functionality. Added a header X-Forwarded-Host: to if the reset link gets modified to But Nope! it didn’t. It had a single parameter i.e.;


I did HPP with this and it was like


And I got reset link in both the email. This way I was able to compromise all the retail users selling on the website. They paid me highest for this issue.

I think it already became too long for readers to read this article. I would like to stop here and post my other findings in future posts.

PS: The 60k is in INR not in USD :P

Special Notes:

I would like to thank all great people who contributed to the community and shared their value attack strategies.

I learnt all these stuff because someone shared something. I thought now it’s my turn to contribute to community. So I did.

Please share your knowledge and help the community. Sharing is Caring.

If you are a newbie and wanted to learn everything from basics my DM is always open twitter/le4rner to get information about learning stuff.

Happy Hunting,

Siva Krishna.

