Python Libraries for Enhanced Parallel Processing

Sivakumar Mahalingam ⚡
5 min readNov 28, 2023


Python, renowned for its simplicity and readability, is a popular choice for developers. However, when it comes to handling tasks that require parallel processing, Python’s inherent speed limitations can be a hurdle. This is where Python libraries for parallel processing come into play, offering solutions to distribute heavy workloads across multiple CPUs or even across a compute cluster. Here are seven notable frameworks that can help you achieve efficient parallel processing in Python.

Transforming Python’s Capabilities with Parallel Processing

Python stands out for its ease of use and versatility, particularly in data science and machine learning. However, when dealing with complex, data-heavy tasks, the need for speed and efficiency becomes paramount. This is where parallel processing enters the scene, offering a way to expedite computations by splitting tasks across multiple processors.


Ray, a versatile and powerful tool for distributed computing, was developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley. Initially designed for machine learning applications, Ray’s capabilities extend far beyond this realm. It allows for the distribution of various Python tasks across multiple systems, showcasing its flexibility in handling diverse computational needs.

The design of Ray emphasizes minimal syntax changes, making it user-friendly for integrating into existing applications. Its core feature, the `@ray.remote` decorator, efficiently distributes functions across a Ray cluster’s nodes. This feature is adaptable, allowing specific resource allocations like CPU or GPU usage. The functions executed in this distributed manner return their results as Python objects. This approach not only simplifies management and storage but also minimizes data duplication across the nodes.

Another standout feature of Ray is its built-in cluster manager. This component of Ray enhances its usability by automatically initiating nodes as required. This function is compatible not only with local hardware setups but also with major cloud computing platforms, adding to Ray’s versatility. Additionally, Ray encompasses a suite of libraries tailored for scaling machine learning and data science tasks. These libraries, such as Ray Tune, facilitate complex processes like hyperparameter tuning in widely-used machine learning frameworks, including PyTorch and TensorFlow. This functionality allows users to scale their workloads efficiently without the need for manual configuration, streamlining the process significantly.

In summary, Ray presents itself as a comprehensive solution for distributed computing, offering ease of integration, efficient resource management, and scalability across various platforms and tasks.


Dask presents itself as a parallel computing library in Python. It boasts a unique task scheduling system, compatibility with Python data frameworks such as NumPy, and the capacity to scale operations from a single machine to multiple ones.

A notable distinction between Dask and Ray lies in their scheduling approaches. Dask employs a centralized scheduler responsible for managing all tasks within a cluster. In contrast, Ray adopts a decentralized model where each machine operates its own scheduler. This means that any task-related issues are resolved at the machine level rather than across the entire cluster. For those familiar with Python’s concurrent.futures interfaces, Dask’s task framework will seem intuitive, as it aligns closely with these existing concepts.

Dask operates in two primary modes. The first involves parallelized data structures, such as Dask’s versions of NumPy arrays, lists, or Pandas DataFrames. By substituting these Dask structures for their standard counterparts, execution is automatically distributed across the cluster. This process usually requires minimal changes, such as altering an import statement, though some rewrites might be necessary for full functionality.

The second mode of operation in Dask involves low-level parallelization tools, including function decorators. These tools distribute tasks across nodes and handle results either synchronously (in “immediate” mode) or asynchronously (“lazy” mode), with the flexibility to combine both modes as needed.

Another innovative feature of Dask is its ‘actors’ system. An actor in Dask refers to an object that connects to a job on a different node, allowing jobs with substantial local state requirements to run in-place and be accessed remotely. This reduces the need to replicate state information across nodes. While Ray does not offer a similar actor model, it’s important to note that Dask’s scheduler does not monitor the activities of these actors. As a result, if an actor malfunctions or becomes unresponsive, the scheduler cannot intervene. The documentation describes this feature as “high-performing but not resilient,” suggesting that actors should be used judiciously.


Pandaral·lel is designed specifically for parallelizing Pandas tasks across numerous machines. Its primary limitation is its exclusive compatibility with Pandas. However, for those utilizing Pandas and seeking to speed up tasks across multiple cores on a single computer, Pandaral·lel is an ideal, task-specific solution.

It’s important to note that while Pandaral·lel is operational on Windows, it requires running Python sessions within the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Users of Linux and macOS, on the other hand, can use Pandaral·lel without any additional setup.


Dispy offers a versatile approach to parallel computing, allowing the distribution of either entire Python programs or specific functions across a cluster for parallel execution. It leverages native network communication mechanisms for efficiency, ensuring smooth operation across Linux, macOS, and Windows platforms. This broad compatibility positions Dispy as a more universally applicable solution compared to others, making it particularly suitable for tasks beyond just accelerating machine learning or specific data processing frameworks.

In terms of syntax, Dispy shares similarities with Python’s multiprocessing. It involves creating a cluster (akin to a process pool in multiprocessing), assigning tasks to this cluster, and then collecting the outcomes. While integrating Dispy might require some additional adjustments to your tasks, it offers greater control over job dispatch and retrieval. For example, it allows for the return of preliminary or incomplete results, incorporates file transfers within the job distribution process, and supports SSL encryption for secure data transfer.


Ipyparallel serves as a specialized system for multiprocessing and task distribution, particularly aimed at parallelizing Jupyter notebook code execution across clusters. Teams and projects that are already utilizing Jupyter notebooks can seamlessly integrate Ipyparallel into their workflow.

This tool offers a variety of methods for parallelizing code. For simpler tasks, it provides a ‘map’ function, which applies a given function to a sequence and evenly distributes the workload across all available nodes. For more intricate tasks, specific functions can be decorated to ensure they always run remotely or in parallel.

In the unique environment of Jupyter notebooks, “magic commands” are used for notebook-specific actions. Ipyparallel introduces its own set of magic commands to enhance this functionality. For instance, by prefixing any Python statement with `%px`, users can automatically parallelize that statement, simplifying the process of distributing tasks across multiple nodes.

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