Calm, cool & composed

Siva Nistala
2 min readJul 5, 2016


During the first half of 20th century an student was studying in London a English professor disliked him intensely. One day when the professor was having lunch in the dining room student entered the room, took his tray and sat next to the professor. Professor trying to insult him said “ You do not understand. A pig and a fly do not sit together and eat”. Student just acted like a parent to a rude child said “ Do not worry professor I will fly away” and went and sat at another table.

Professor planned to take revenge next day at class he posed a question to the same student “ If you are walking down the street and found a bag of wisdom and bag of money. Which one do you choose?” Student immediately replied to the professor’s surprise saying “I will choose the bag with money”. Professor replied “Oh! but I choose wisdom and assume everyone will do the same”. Student replied without any hesitation “I assume anyone will choose what they doesn’t have professor”.

Professor gave a thought twice and decided a plot assuming it his ultimate weapon. So he wrote on his student sheet “Idiot” and returned to him. But the student to his surprise was calm and composed after seeing his exam sheet. He went to the professor and told in a polite tone “ Professor you signed the sheet but forget to give me the grade”.

Some say that the student is none other than Swami Vivekananda himself but not known. Leave the identity the student and reflect on the moral:

Stay calm, cool and composed

while facing any problem.

Credits of the main plot: Facebook page Times of Education



Siva Nistala

I am a learner,bibliophile, a writer, a global citizen, and off all a human being.