
Six Two Six
3 min readMay 9, 2020


Hi, everyone!

To begin with it is part of my project from university. My partners and I will publish our posts there to tell you more about robots and technologies what we are interested in. We hope for your support. We took stories written by Isaac Asimov as a basis of our work.

Today I’ll tell you about the first chapter in a book ‘I, Robot’. It’s about a relationship between robot Robbie and a little girl Gloria.

The story begins in the backyard, we appear in the thick of things: Robbie and Gloria play together. He understands when Gloria is unfair to him and reacts like a real human. From the first lines the author shows us how advanced and caring robot is. Tender is something that cannot be said about the mother of Gloria. It will be illustrated on following pages of the story.

Robbie is programmed to obey, to be kind, thoughtful for a child, and he follows Three Rules of Robotic, they are:

· First Law: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

· Second Law: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

· Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

These rules are the main for robots and the central theme of a book.

Despite these laws mother of Gloria, Mrs. Weston, wants to separate her daughter with the robot because of spreading thoughts about robots that they are a threat to humanity. She is as stubborn as a donkey and finally she gets this done. As a result, Gloria suffers from parting, and nothing can help her. In that case, Mr. and Mrs. Weston arrive in New York to entertain and to cheer their daughter up. And they succeed but only because Gloria claims that they are there in order to find Robbie. Mrs. Weston cannot admit her mistake, she puts her principles and right above daughter’s happiness. It is really hard for me to understand how mother can be so cruel, but in the contrast with sincerity and kindness of Robbie it is obvious.

That it is a part of us: making mistakes, learning or no, falling into the same trap. I am not trying to justify a mother, just share my thoughts. In every scene with Robbie we see that he is indeed like an “ideal human”, and maybe Mrs. Weston is scared that robot can replace her as a mother, because he has spent with Gloria the entire time before the separation, he was produced to do this.

In the whole story there is an idea that robot can be more humane than people are. I think the same, they really can be better than us, but they still are made by us, and we are making them like they are, only we decide who they will be. So, of course, I tell you only my opinion about a specific story. And also I should not miss Gloria’s opinion, she loves Robbie because he is her friend, and she reckons that he is even a human being. I think it was expected.

The story ends with the rescue of Gloria by Robbie at the factory, he does something that human can’t. And Mr. and Mrs. Weston decide to keep the robot. This story has shown us how good robots can be, and I have reminded you that they are still made by people, in the world of Isaac Asimov, of course.


