Style Guide to SGA Spring Gala — When You Are on A Budget

Siyao Lyu
4 min readMar 31, 2017


Have you saved the date for Apr. 21st? If not, clear your schedule because Carey SGA Spring Gala is here! Get ready for a night of glamour and fun. It is happening at the Engineers Club. Get your tickets here:

各位仙女们,你们知不知道4月21号是个很重大的日子?为什么?因为Carey Spring Gala在这天举行阿!还没购票的赶快戳上文的链接,过了4月1号就没有早鸟票了!

But wait! There is just one big problem lurking around since the moment I decided to go — WHAT TO WEAR?! Specifically, what to wear on my broke-grad-student budget. I am sure it’s in every woman’s dream to appear fabulous in every big party, but it’s not an easy task to say the least.


There are so many things to worry about, literally from head to toe. There’re outfits, shoes, hair, makeup, bags, etc. etc. If you don’t know where to start, I’m here to offer some tips to make this process easier.

Naturally, we want to do a big haul for special occasions like this. Granted, this is the best excuse to checkout out that amazing dress that has been lying in your wish list forever. If you plan on doing so, then by all means!


But that will probably break the bank if you are on a budget (like me). So, my solution is to make use of what you probably already have in your wardrobe, then take it to the next level.


First thing first, what’s the dress code? It’s a cocktail party, so for us ladies, it ranges from shorter cocktail dresses, to long gowns, or even suits! That being said, as trendy as athleisure is, it’s not the best time to pull that off.

首先,Spring Gala是个鸡尾酒舞会,这基本意味着,只要穿得不是太休闲,长裙短裙,西装阔腿裤,怎么样fancy随你怎么样来。

Let’s dig through your wardrobe. I would guess, as a business student, you must have a semi-formal black/navy/white dress like this that is the definition of classic.


J. Crew

Although they are perfect for a job interview, it may seem to be too dull for a party. However, a bold statement belt can come to the rescue.

解决方案:Statement Belt! 时尚度瞬间+100,顺带收腰提气场,而你只需要买一条腰带。


Another way to transcend that day-to-night look is to add blings! I don’t mean this kind of bling though.

另一个提升时尚度的方式是各种Bling bling. 别误会,不是下图这种Bling。

I mean jewelries with bold design and bright colors. The first thing comes to mind must be cocktail rings (for those who know me, I’m addicted to rings).


They are known for the big gemstone rings worn by fashionistas during the Prohibitions in 1930s to show that they were drinking illegally, and in style (fun fact, right?) While we’re definitely drinking legally, we still want to do that in style. And with these big rings being so dramatic, it’s even better if you wear an outfit that is sleek and simple. The perk is that you can find them in almost every fast fashion brand with really low prices.

鸡尾酒戒指是美国禁酒时期基本最潮的单品了,it girl们用它们来低调地炫耀她们去参加的是地下酒会。虽然我们的Gala不是地下酒会,但鸡尾酒戒指依然是可以拿来低调炫耀的很潮的单品。(便宜的5刀一大把,嘘!)

If you find formal dresses a little boring, and you can’t wait to show off that sexy collar bone by wearing an off-shoulder or strap top that is still going strong in this spring, here’s a way to make them a bit formal to fit into this party: paring them with a maxi skirt or wide-leg pants. Not only do they make you appear elegant, they also elongate your legs with a nice pair of pumps. I mean, if Emma Stone can rock a crop top and maxi skirt on the red carpet, what’s stopping you from wearing those to a cocktail party?

如果你早已迫不及待地想秀一下马甲线或是性感锁骨,露肩上衣和crop top必然是不二之选。但它们并不是那么正式,我们马上就来介绍下如何在舞会中既端庄又带点小心机得秀身材吧~秘密诀窍:拖地长裙和阔腿裤。不只看起来高挑,整个人的气场也蹭蹭地往上涨,穿上红毯都没问题,石头姐都说好。

Emma Stone

Well ladies, I hope you got some inspiration from my little tips. Have fun at the party and be fabulous!

如何~!各位(破产的)小仙女们准备好了没有!快跟我一起来Spring Gala放松心情,主演自己的仲夏夜之梦吧!!❤

