How COVID 19 has pushed us into the New Normal?

Siya Success
4 min readApr 16, 2020


siya succes on covid19 and how it has puched us into the new normal

The earth since in its existence has faced numerous and innumerable pressures — And one can not argue that along with those pressures there had to be plenty of changes and adaptations. From plagues, floods, wars, the great depression, financial crashes, and pandemics, just to name a few.

The pattern has always been the same — any disaster has led the world into a new way of living and adaptation. The coronavirus pandemic we are dealing with now - has also led us into the new normal.

Markets, economies, and businesses will recover, however by the look of things it looks like the world will have to go into what is called a new normal. The world was moving at a rapid speed, however, the virus has pushed us into a fast mode and swift adaptation.

One can not argue that Zoom has become a thing and a way of communication for businesses and companies — meetings are essential and this again shows us the importance of communication within and outside a business. We need to communicate with our staff, customers, investors and every stakeholder of the company, therefore communication is very vital.

Social media is a buzz…

Post stories are pumping on Instagram and Facebook — Watch parties, live feeds as people are seeking ways to deliver their content and communicate with their audience. Churches and mass gatherings are closed and religious leaders are relying on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube to teach their members. Restaurants and bars are closed — entertainers are have arranged what is termed a live stream lockdownParty.

Everything and anything has to continue as it was, however in a different way hence we say this is the new normal. Things are continuing however in a different way — People have had to figure out how to adapt and find means to communicate though they are apart from each other.

People are seeking new ways or same old recycled ways to communicate since they are in isolation and lockdown. It's like living in a prison or solitary confinement.

However, the pandemic has taken us back to reset, reflect and realize that we have a family. Now is the best time to spend the lost time with family — as most of us would spend most of our previous days with friends and work- We have soon realized that family is important…

We are experiencing a glimpse of the new world or new normally

Or you can say we are in the future — we are experiencing a glimpse of what will or 100 years from now will happen and that will be normal to those who are living in those times. However, as an entrepreneur or creative, you can take opportunities because with such changes there's are new markets

So we are in a different kinda world than the one we are used to. Maybe a lot of companies will have most of their staff working from home even after the wave of this COVID-19 pandemic — because they would have realized that it is possible and that is where the world is going.

Maybe this is where we all needed to go and are supposed to be heading and now the pandemic has pressed the button and pushed us there — however we are experiencing only a glimpse. It will be best to look at it from an entrepreneurship perspective.

Most companies and governments are coming into the realization that they have been behind all those times.
They were behind with innovation and adapting to new technologies, yet I believe this is a test.

And a time to learn, grow and adapt to a new way of living and doing business — the pandemic has taught us that you can’t continue doing the things as you used to — you need to figure out new things and innovations and you learn in uncertainties.

Maybe in the future, we should have within a company a team that comes up with strategies on uncertainties — things which could happen and affect the way we do things.

How will your business and company move during those times and how will you service when the streets are empty. the tarins are with no one, restaurants are not a go-to the area and when no one is traveling. We are slowly going there, phones and new technologies have connected us and have also discontented us — and through the pandemic, we getting isolated physically.

This is a learning curve and we need to think of what products as entrepreneurs to create that are according to these new normal and figure what changes to bring into our companies to thrive and understand where the future is heading.

I guess we are learning.

